President Obama standing with Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and CIA Director John Brennan. Hagel served as an infantryman in the Vietnam War

President Obama standing with Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and CIA Director John Brennan. Hagel served as an infantryman in the Vietnam War Charles Dharapak/AP

Is the Military Underrepresented Among Top Administration Officials?

In the first term, 12 percent of top officials surveyed by National Journal had military experience. Now, that figure is 9 percent. By Brian Resnick and Brian McGill

While the military is composed of a smaller segment of the American population than any other time in history, so too, within the ranks of Obama's top Decision Makers, the percentage of those with military service is decreasing. In the first term, 12 percent of top officials surveyed by National Journal had reported military experience. Now, that figure is 9 percent. It is much more likely for a top official to have spent time lobbying (13 percent), or have worked on the Hill (29 percent).

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