Maximizing data utility in mission delivery, citizen services, and education

Spurred by the expanding potential of data analytics and AI/ML, public sector agencies across federal and state and local governments recently released data strategies to help their leaders and personnel better manage, use, and secure data for operational advantage and efficiencies. While these strategies serve as critical foundations, they must be accompanied by a real-time analytics engine to maximize data utility.

This paper is a comprehensive overview of the data and AI/ML underpinnings we see in public sector today and how they are shaping data-dependent opportunities moving forward.

Learn how, with Elastic, government agencies, the military, and schools can:

  • Empower personnel and the public to find information and resources
  • Access data visualization without costly training
  • Leverage data insight to improve IT ecosystem decisions
  • Protect digital infrastructure with detections that the human eye would otherwise miss
  • Keep data actionable for longer periods of time
  • Enable secure data sharing across teams and silos

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