
America Alone?

A bitter end to the G7 summit could have consequences for America’s alliances.


With Ceasefire, Afghan President Offers ‘An Opportunity for the Taliban’

Ashraf Ghani has ordered his forces to stand down for a week, but are the insurgents interested?


Syria Is Now In Charge of the UN's Disarmament Efforts. Really.

The U.S. says the Assad regime’s repeated use of chemical weapons on civilians should disqualify it from the post.


Pompeo Declares Economic War on Iran

The U.S. secretary of state vowed “unprecedented financial pressure in the form of the strongest sanctions in history.”


Is Peace on the Horizon for Afghanistan?

An offer of talks by the Ghani government was met with silence from the Taliban. That, in itself, could be a good sign.


How John Bolton Views US Allies and Adversaries

His 2007 memoir lays out the incoming national-security adviser’s worldview.


Exit, Rex Tillerson

The secretary of state is out after 14 months on the job.


What If Trump's North Korea Bluster Actually Worked?

Kim Jong Un’s offer of talks with the U.S. is accompanied by questions about his intentions.


What Is the Internet Research Agency?

The origin of the Russian “troll farm” that allegedly targeted America’s 2016 presidential election.


Syria’s War Is Fueling Three More Conflicts

As ISIS evaporates, the buffer zones between armed combatants of several opposing groups and nations have disappeared.


Peace Through Bombings: The US Strategy in Afghanistan

The goal of negotiating with the Taliban is at odds with President Trump’s statements.


Pakistan's Week Keeps Getting Worse

The administration suspended security aid for what it says is Islamabad’s failure to take “decisive action” against terrorists.


Trump's Belligerence Toward Pakistan Isn't Unreasonable

His threatening tweet might signal increased pressure on Islamabad for its support of Afghan militants.


ISIS in Afghanistan Is Like a Balloon That Won't Pop

Thursday’s fatal attack in Kabul highlights the group’s resilience.


How the US and China Differ on North Korea

They are at odds over the nature of the threat posed by Pyongyang.


Saudi Arabia's Very Public, Very Risky Palace Intrigue

The arrest of 11 senior figures, including one of the world’s richest men, is a sign of the crown prince’s consolidation of power.


Trump’s Policy on Terrorism Suspects Looks Like Obama’s

A captured Benghazi suspect is reportedly being brought to the U.S., which means he will be tried in a civilian court.


The Questions Raised By Trump's Iran Deal Decision

The U.S. will stick to the nuclear agreement—for now.


Two Nuclear Deals, Two Countries, Three Decades Apart

Does the failed nuclear agreement with North Korea have lessons for the Iran deal?


How the US Can Pressure Pakistan

Can anything stop the South Asian nation’s support for militants?