
The Last of Assad's Known Chemical Weapons Are Now Out of Syria

After multiple missed deadlines, some 1,300 tons of declared chemical weapons have finally been removed from the deeply troubled nation, but questions remain about whether that was really all of it. By Diane Barnes


A Victory in the Battle Against Mass Destruction

There are still plenty of things to be worried about, but one thing is clear: securing and destroying Syria's known chemical weapons stockpile was a major victory. By Joseph Cirincione and Geoffrey Wilson.


U.S. Wants Better Intel Sharing with South Korea, Japan Over North Korea Nukes

The U.S.-Japan-South Korea framework pitched by the Obama administration will have to overcome historic reluctance from Seoul. By Global Security Newswire

Science & Tech

Researchers Develop New Fabric That Protects Against Chemical Weapons

The fabric contains nanotubes that hold a copper-based catalyst and breaks down a key chemical bond in nerve agents, such as sarin. By Global Security Newswire


State Dept. Investigating Claims That Syria Used Chlorine in Attack

State Department officials are looking into reports that concentrated chlorine was dropped from helicopters in Syria. By Global Security Newswire


The Pentagon Is Revising Its WMD Strategy

The new strategy replaces the 2006 plan and will better ‘reflect the global nature’ of the threat. By Diane Barnes


Syria Vows to Ship Out Its Chemical Weapons by April 27

The deadline for Syria to ship out it's chemical weapons has now been pushed to late April. By Global Security Newswire

Science & Tech

A Look at the U.S. Nuclear Arsenal, From 1945 to Now

Air Force officials say the country's nuclear arsenal is safe despite recent reports of crime and corruption. But what does it actually look like? By Matt Vasilogambros.


Forget the Nuclear Details and End This Cold War With Iran

What matters isn't the percentage of Iran's uranium enrichment or number of centrifuges. What matters is ending the Cold War. By Peter Beinart


China May Have Test Fired Its New Land-Based Missile

Not much is known about the Dongfeng 41 missile, but it is thought to be nuclear capable with a range up to 7,450 miles. By Global Security Newswire


Congress Wants Pentagon to Upgrade Nuclear Command and Control

A provision in the NDAA requires the Defense Department to create a special council overseeing nuclear communications technology. By Rachel Oswald


Russia Deploys Nuclear-Capable Missiles to NATO Border

Moscow has long warned that it would respond to a plan to put American interceptor missiles in Poland. By Global Security Newswire


U.S. Could Begin Eliminating Syria's Chemical Weapons by January

The head of the OPCW said that the process to neutralize the chemical agents aboard a U.S. vessel could begin as early as next month. By Global Security Newswire


Two Billion People Could Starve After a 'Limited' Nuclear War

A new study says that essential food systems around the world would be severely compromised, leading to the end of industrial civilization. By Douglas Guarino


How the U.S. Will Dispose of Syria's Chemical Weapons

Here are the details behind a complex process to remove -- and destroy -- Bashar al-Assad's most dangerous weapons. By Sara Sorcher


Putin Eyeing Precision Conventional Weapons as Nuclear Substitutes

The Russian leader says that the arms would function primarily as an alternative to nuclear weapons. By Diane Barnes


U.S. Modifying Ship to Destroy Assad's Chemical Weapons at Sea

Destroying the weapons will cost between $47-$61 million, and is to focus on 500 nerve agents too dangerous to be neutralized by other parties. By Global Security Newswire


Pentagon Seeks Vaccine Against Cold War 'Q-Fever'

Suddenly, the Defense Threat Reduction Agency wants a vaccine for bacteria the Soviets weaponized decades ago. By Diane Barnes


U.S.: Russia Repeatedly Cheating on Nuclear Missile Treaty

Moscow has repeatedly violated a 1987 agreement to eliminate medium-range ballistic and cruise missiles, according to senior administration officials. By Global Security Newswire


Pentagon Biowarfare Effort Seen as Duplicating HHS Work

Health and Human Services has already spent billions on the same kind of countermeasures DOD aims to manufacture. By Global Security Newswire