
Time to retire ‘Arab-Israeli conflict’?

A new name should reflect how the hostilities have grown more complex and spread beyond the region's boundaries.

Congress will land on $833B defense budget—and a CR of unknown length, top HASC lawmaker says

Another supplemental funding package might be possible later in fiscal 2025, Wittman says.

Mike Gallagher talks priorities as Palantir’s new defense business chief

The former lawmaker is looking to draw on a decade of national security policy work in the new position.

Meet the Pentagon's first-ever cyber policy chief

The Senate has confirmed Michael Sulmeyer to fill a position it helped create.

The military needs to make human-performance optimization part of daily ops

Congress is about to pass new legislative prodding the Pentagon to do better.

Senators take another crack at solving over-classification

The bipartisan Classification Reform for Transparency Act would establish a task force to narrow the criteria for classifying documents and make it harder for agencies to exempt records from automatic declassification.

The US might lose a war with China, congressional commission says

Insufficient industry, readiness, innovation, and funding hamper military’s ability to prevail in conflict, key experts find.

Can Donald Trump really build an Iron Dome over America?

In a word, no. The president-turned-candidate is still selling the same old missile-defense snake oil.

Pentagon’s new cyber rules are ‘stifling’ foreign suppliers, advisors say

The soon-to-be-mandatory cybersecurity certification—and a 2018 OSD reorganization—are slowing vital work, the Defense Innovation Board says.

Senators seek to advance AI capabilities at national labs

Proposed legislation looks to give the U.S. national laboratories a strong artificial intelligence infrastructure while acknowledging associated risks.