A Suspicious Death and Three Cyber Arrests Point to a New Twist in the US Election Hack
Some wonder why the Kremlin wanted this news out. Others called it 'too big not to leak.’
Putin is Accusing Turkey of Being an ISIS Ally—and He’s At Least Partly Right
The Islamic State group reportedly smuggles a large volume of oil via trader routes going almost exclusively through Turkey.
CIA Director: Paris Attacks Should Bring US, Russia Closer
In the aftermath of the Paris attacks, some high-profile unity is emerging among formerly tense geopolitical rivals.
Who Cares If Russia Helps Stabilize Syria
If Putin and Obama don't want a fight, Moscow and Washington should get over themselves and let this work.
The Other Group Looking Forward to the Era of the Iran Deal
Weapons companies - especially those from Russia and China - are standing by to upgrade Tehran's aging military equipment.
America's New Approach to the Iran Negotiations
The US and other powers are calling Tehran's deadline bluffs.
How China Is Building the Biggest Commercial-Military Empire in History
China’s outsized latticework of global infrastructure is said to be rooted in a fierce competitiveness learned from 19th-century America.
Saudi Arabia Gives Its Troops a Bonus As It Shakes Up Line of Succession
At a time of political and economic upheaval, Riyadh's King Salman elevates youthful relatives with serious security and military credentials.
The P5+1 Aren't All Aligned on Iran's Sanctions Relief
It's not just Iran vs. the West - Russia and China are siding with Tehran on a key issue.
Russian Opposition Leader Shot Dead in Moscow
The killing of a liberal former deputy prime minister leaves very few remaining Russian politicians to stand in opposition to Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Russia Is About To Absorb Part of Another Country
Ten months after annexing Crimea and igniting a standoff with the west, Russia will take control of neighboring Georgia's South Ossetia region. By Steve LeVine
Baghdad, Kurds Put Aside Differences To Secure Oil from Smugglers
Iraq finally closed a deal with the semi-autonomous Kurdistan region to rout oil sales through Baghdad in exchange for finally funding the Peshmerga fighters. By Steve LeVine
Hagel: The Easiest Man To Throw Overboard
In Obama’s national security team, Chuch Hagel was always the likeliest sacrificial offering. By Steve LeVine
What Iran Loses From the Failed Nuclear Talks
Tehran stands to lose billions in oil exports as the days without a deal drag on. By Steve LeVine
This Is the Roadmap for Closing a Nuclear Deal With Iran
Iran will likely wait out the clock on the Nov. 24 nuclear agreement while telling everyone it's no big deal. Here's what the U.S. can do in the meantime. By Steve LeVine
Where ISIS Is Taking a Big Hit
Coalition airstrikes aren't stopping ISIS from taking territory in Iraq and Syria, but they have cut affected the amount of black market oil money the group is pulling in. By Steve LeVine
The 'It's About Oil' Theory in Iraq Is Still Inaccurate
The idea that the U.S. is only in the Middle East for oil may seem like a seductive idea -- but it's a deeply misguided one as well. By Steve LeVine
Inside the U.S. Push to Keep Kurdish Oil Under Baghdad's Watch
American diplomatic muscle has kept 1 million barrels of Kurdistan's oil stuck at sea. But will it last? By Steve LeVine
Here’s How the U.S. Could Maximize Its Sanctions on Russia
America's shale gas boom presents an effective way to step up U.S. sanctions on Russia. Here's why it hasn’t happened yet. By Steve LeVine