Defense Systems
VanRoekel leaving FCC to join USAID, newspaper says
Steven VanRoekel, who left Microsoft in 2009 to take a high-profile position to revamp the online presence of the Federal Communications Commission, is moving on, according to The Hill newspaper.
Defense Systems
Will EPA's Lisa Schlosser become federal deputy CIO?
Chris Dorobek, editor of, reports that Federal CIO Vivek Kundra is set to name EPA exec Lisa Schlosser to be his deputy CIO.
Defense Systems
Karen Evans, Ira Hobbs among those running for IAC executive committee seats
Evans had a surprising reaction after following Hobbs' speech at a membership meeting of the Industry Advisory Council on May 25.
Defense Systems
Kathy Conrad joins GSA Office of Citizen Services
Kathy Conrad of Jefferson Consulting is joining GSA's executive team to help federal agencies adopt new technologies.
Defense Systems
Coast Guard's elevated acquisition budget intensifies challenges
The Coast Guard acquisition unit might be setting itself up for disappointment because of its unrealistic forecast of a jump in available procurement dollars, a GAO official testified.
Defense Systems
HHS names new health IT national coordinator
Dr. Farzad Mostashari takes the helm of the HHS Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, the office that facilitates distribution of $20 billion in economic stimulus law funds for digital medical systems.
Defense Systems
Former Treasury CIO Duffy joins DRT Strategies
Michael Duffy, most recently senior advisor at the Justice Department and a former CIO at the Treasury Department, has joined DRT Strategies.
Defense Systems
NTIA's Daniel Weitzner expected to be named US Deputy CTO for Internet policy
The White House is expected to announce the appointment of Commerce Department official Daniel Weitzner as the deputy CTO for Internet policy.
Defense Systems
NARA names 3 to new leadership positions
David Ferriero, archivist of the United States, named three top deputies to a new leadership team.
Defense Systems
Kundra describes vision of three huge federal data centers
In the future, federal data center consolidation could go much further and create three huge "digital Fort Knox" centers, Kundra said.
Defense Systems
Top CBP procurement execs show lighter side at Industry Day
Many of the top IT and procurement officials at Customs and Border Protection were on hand to share information and a few candid remarks at Tuesday's Industry Day.
Defense Systems
NYC gets its first Chief Digital Officer
Social media entrepreneur Rachel Sterne has been named to the new position to coordinate social media and digital media for the city's 83 agencies.
Defense Systems
New GSA deputy CIO is on the job
Hashmi is leaving his job as deputy CIO for D.C.'s government to become deputy to Casey Coleman, CIO at the General Services Administration.
Defense Systems
IG Skinner to leave DHS
Inspector General Richard Skinner will be leaving his role as a federal government watchdog on March 1 after 42 years of service.
Defense Systems
Higginbottom picked as deputy director at OMB
More executive changes: Heather Higginbottom to be named deputy director at OMB, and GSA's Teresa Nasif moves to head senior executive service initiatives.
Defense Systems
Ken Thibodeau retires from electronic archive development
Ken Thibodeau retired from the National Archives and Records Administration on Jan. 1 after 25 years in the federal government.
Defense Systems
Navy, Marines among Facebook stars of 2010
Facebook's Washington office polled experts and Facebook group members who chose the best political and government users of Facebook last year.
Defense Systems
Coast Guard misspends $138M in funding, CFO takes the fall
The service's Chief Financial Officer takes sole responsibility for $138 million worth of apparent violations of the Anti-Deficiency Act.
Defense Systems
Navy unexpectedly cancels CIO blog
The Navy CIO blog has been stopped, and archived posts are no longer available on the site.
Defense Systems