Defense Systems
The semantics of disinformation
DARPA thinks it can detect automated disinformation campaigns across a range of media by focusing on common machine-generated errors.
Defense Systems
Contractors question DOD's cyber requirements
The Pentagon is making big moves to improve cybersecurity in its industrial base, but the contracting community and experts continue to wonder if it will all play out as intended.
Defense Systems
Defense contractors face tight deadlines for new 2020 certification standards
Contractors will be facing big changes and tight timelines when DOD's Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification goes live next year.
Defense Systems
Lawmaker leans on Trump for details on cyber operation plans
The Trump administration has yet to brief Congress on new rules governing offensive cyber operations, and some on the Hill are getting impatient.
Defense Systems
Are JEDI and the CIA's C2E clouds even comparable?
Recent criticism of DOD's 10-year Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure procurement cites the CIA's plans for a multi-cloud, multi-vendor environment
Defense Systems
Is it worth comparing the DOD and ODNI cloud plans?
The intelligence community's top IT official said that DOD is "where we were five years ago" when the CIA opted to pursue a single vendor, single cloud solution.
Defense Systems
NIST issues new cyber guidelines for contractors
A draft version of the guidance lays out 31 new recommendations to help contractors working on critical government programs protect controlled unclassified information in their systems.
Defense Systems
Tangles in China-U.S. tech supply chain are growing
It's becoming almost impossible to untangle U.S. supply chain security policy from other political and economic issues at play, particularly when dealing with China, cybersecurity experts say.
Defense Systems
Congress wants transparency when it comes to cyberwar
A subcommittee mark of the upcoming National Defense Authorization Act requires the military to notify Congress when using its expanded offensive cyber authorities.
Defense Systems
New defense cyber commission plans for future threats
Sen. Angus King (I-Maine) said the newly established Cyberspace Solarium Commission is getting its structure sorted before diving into debating three visions for defending U.S. interests in cyberspace.
Defense Systems
Defense industrial base cyber program adds a key partner
The voluntary public-private information-sharing program facilitates better situational awareness about IT security threats to unclassified contractor networks and information systems.
Defense Systems
Supply chain security: the subcontractor risk
While large defense contractors typically have robust security measures in place, the smaller and medium-sized companies they subcontract with do not, making them prime targets of nation-state hackers.
Defense Systems
DARPA wants to secure the electronics supply chain
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is investigating whether "dielets" -- tiny chips no larger than 100 microns a side -- can help track and authenticate electronics components.
Defense Systems
DARPA looks to guard the air gap
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is looking for security that can better track and protect sensitive data as it moves from highly secure systems to insecure ones.
Defense Systems
Supply chain risk in the spotlight
The National Risk Management Center at the Department of Homeland Security plans to have lists of national critical functions and supply chain priorities in place by January.
Defense Systems
DOD awards new bug bounty contracts
The Department of Defense and the Digital Defense Services have awarded another set of contracts under its $34 million bug bounty program to cover sensitive hardware and physical assets.
Defense Systems
Joyce: Give the U.S. cyberwar policy a chance
Rob Joyce, former White House cyber coordinator, said the Trump administration's new cyber warfare policy is more "thoughtful" than some might think.
Defense Systems
Federal DMARC compliance spikes up
A significant number of agencies and domains may not meet an Oct. 16 deadline set by DHS, but cybersecurity firms are still praising the federal government's progress in combatting spoofing attacks.
Defense Systems
Security clearance backlog drops 9 percent
An interagency council credits a series of changes instituted to the security clearance process this year with the first drop unprocessed background investigations in years.
Defense Systems