Army deploys update to transportation platform

The enterprise-level software platform that allows users to plan and manage the inventory and transportation of unit personnel and equipment assets on a global scale.

Planning and managing convoy movements has become easier and cheaper for the Army to execute with the latest update to the Transportation Coordinators’ – Automated Information for Movements System II (TC-AIMS II) deployed by Automated Movement and Identification Solutions.

TC-AIMS II is an enterprise-level software platform that allows users to plan and manage the inventory and transportation of unit personnel and equipment assets on a global scale. The update, TC-AIMS II v.8.0.0, fulfills a two-year effort undertaken by AMIS and will improve the systems usability, enhance performance and comply with cyber security policies/directives focusing on convoy planning and highway regulation functionality. The effort specifically allows users to plan and manage convoy movements on public roadways minimizing the impact on civilian traffic and infrastructure.

Additional highlights and improvements include updated maps, improved road network data, a decrease in map load times -- which dropped from six minutes to less than one minute -- a streamlined and user-friendly interface and an anticipated 13 percent reduction in trouble tickets. AMIS also projects a cost savings of over $500,000 per year by eliminating nine servers along with outdated mapping technology.

The success of the project is due to the hard work of the AMIS team along with several geographically dispersed project stakeholders, including the Systems Simulation, Software and Integration Directorate at the U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Research Development and Engineering Center in Huntsville, Ala., the Transportation Geospatial Information System at the U.S. Transportation Command on Scott Air Force Base, Ill., and the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland, Wash.

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