
How Tucker Carlson Helped Turn Americans Against the Military

The partisan firebrand told viewers that uniformed leaders were out to weaken the armed forces and the country itself.


Violent Far-Right Movements Aren’t Just a ‘Western Problem’

The focus on jihadist violence has often prevented states from finding and fixing other things that fuel violent extremism in the Global South.


5 Questions About the Storming of Brazil's Congress and the Military's Role

A conversation with Rafael Ioris, an expert on Brazilian politics at the University of Denver.


Six Things Veterans Can Do to Strengthen Our Democracy

Work to inoculate our communities against disinformation, increase civil participation, and collaborate to build our nation’s vital institutions.


Defense Giants Should Stop Funding Election Deniers

If it turns out that antidemocratic action is not a red line for the defense industry, we need to start asking more serious questions.


One Year After Jan. 6 Attack, Push For Quick Reaction Force Is Dead On Capitol Hill

Experts also warn changes at DOD won’t speed up how quickly Guardsmen could respond to future incidents.


Facebook Hosted Surge of Misinformation and Insurrection Threats in Months Leading Up to Jan. 6 Attack, Records Show

A ProPublica/Washington Post analysis of Facebook posts, internal company documents and interviews, provides the clearest evidence yet that the social media giant played a critical role in spreading lies that fomented the violence of Jan. 6.

Science & Tech

One Social-Media ‘Like’ Doesn’t Say Much About a Potential Extremist

Data from open-source social media is generally only helpful in combination with other information.


Will Americans Buy into Biden’s Ambitious Domestic Terrorism Plan?

The president’s national strategy pivots the United States away from the worst practices of the war on terrorism—if law enforcement, courts, and agencies will follow.