Science & Tech

US Army, UMD Form AI Partnership

Five-year effort will launch with 18 projects focused on AI, autonomy, and modeling and simulation.


Why the US Military Is Leading the Charge on 5G

It’s not unlike the way that the armed forces invested in radar technology during World War II.

Science & Tech

DARPA Seeks Chips that Can Crunch Data Without Decrypting It

Current methods of doing "fully homomorphic encryption" require too much computing power to be used widely.

Science & Tech

We’ve Got The Vaccine, Says Pentagon-Funded Company

Canadian firm says it could make 10 million doses per month — if its innovative production method wins FDA approval.

Science & Tech

DARPA Aims to Develop a ‘Sea Train’ of Unmanned Warships

The Pentagon’s research arm is looking for technologies for a new class of long-distance unmanned surface vessels.


Pentagon Test-Fires 2nd INF-Banned Missile

The Air Force ran Thursday's launch from a static pad, which followed the Navy's August test from a mobile launcher.

Science & Tech

DARPA Wants Smart Suits to Protect Against Biological Attacks

A new program seeks gear that can guarantee troops' survival amid multiple chemical and biological agents.

Science & Tech

Nanotechnology Is Shaping the Hypersonics Race

New materials to deflect massive amounts of surface heat don’t come from nature.

Science & Tech

Russia’s National AI Center Is Taking Shape

A famed technical university is helping to lead the push for public-private AI development.


Ep. 55: Doomsday machines, nuclear hurricanes and Russian spies, with Vince Houghton

An interview with the author of 'Nuking the Moon: And Other Intelligence Schemes and Military Plots Left on the Drawing Board.'

Science & Tech

Nuclear-Powered Cruise Missiles Are a Terrible Idea. Russia’s Test Explosion Shows Why

A flying unshielded nuclear reactor would spew massive amounts of radiation, and that’s if it’s working correctly.

Science & Tech

The US Is Investing in AI for High-Powered Satellite Imagery Analysis

The Intelligence Community envisions a system combining archives with real-time surveillance footage from drones and other aircraft.

Science & Tech

The Pentagon Is Killing a Key Independent-Research Program

For decades, JASON studies helped DOD and other agencies get outside perspectives on scientific and technical topics.

Science & Tech

Lasers, AI, Hypersonics Top DARPA’s Small-Biz Wishlist

The defense research agency also announced plans for an accelerator to help move new tech from idea to product.