Defense Systems

Navy seals the deal on critical cockpit contract

The Navy has awarded Lockheed Martin a $1 billion contract for high-tech common cockpits needed for helicopters in war zones and other threatening areas.

Defense Systems

Air Force awards C-130J enhancement contract

The new configuration for the Super Hercules aircraft will include a communications, navigation, surveillance/air traffic management data link, an enhanced inter-communication system, and updated Identification Friend or Foe, among other items.

Defense Systems

Petraeus could become CIA head

Rumors suggest that Gen. David Patraeus, America's top military man in Afghanistan, could become CIA director.

Defense Systems

DOD blocks video-streaming sites in wake of Japan

Access to streaming video on websites, including YouTube, Amazon and Google video, has been blocked by DOD's Cyber Command, which has found that interest in Japan has taxed its bandwidth.

Defense Systems

Military to focus on smart phone security chasms

Researchers at the antivirus software company Symantec explained in a recent briefing that security might become a major preoccupation for smart phone users in the military as interest in the devices buoys.

Defense Systems

Army probe looks into alleged 'mind control' of lawmakers

In Nov. 2009, a special arm of the Army that specializes in psychological operations was assessing how U.S. propaganda was being accepted in enemy territory. Three months later, it was ordered to use the same mind games on Americans, according to a new report.

Defense Systems

Ground troops to get access to Army's smart phone network

Gen. Pater Chairelli views the Army's Common Operating Environment as the potential game changer to get the service's network planned for smart phones to "the lowest levels" possible.

Defense Systems

Readying Patriot missiles for launch? There's an iPhone app for that, too

Pressing the keys on the mobile device won't actually launch the missile, but it will start a 3-D application to teach Patriot Missile crews about positioning and readying the Patriot system in order to launch and fire.

Defense Systems

Airborne surveillance craft have a new mission: saving lives

At its core, the new military initiative is about saving lives without placing troops on a foreign tightrope.

Defense Systems

Air Force rethinks WikiLeaks warning to military families

Air Force Public Affairs pulled the plug on its statement that family members of Air Force employees accessing WikiLeaks on a home computer may be subject to prosecution for espionage.

Defense Systems

Raise the bar for new Reaper, colonel says

New Reaper model must be able to face emerging threats such as cyber warfare and surface-to-air missiles better than the current MQ-9 drone, says Col. James Gear, director of the Air Force's Remotely Piloted Aircraft Task Force.

Defense Systems

NATO, DOD officials band to battle cyber bandits

Deputy Secretary of Defense William Lynn meets with NATO and European Union officials in Brussels this week to strengthen cyber defense.

Defense Systems

Army publishes new social media guide

The Army Social Media Handbook 2011 provides guidelines and best practices to soldiers, Army families and

Defense Systems

Military turns to fiber optics for aircraft

Moving away from standard copper and multimode fiber cables, the military cites fiber-optic networks as dramatically reducing weight loads, improving on-board communications, resisting harsh environments and enabling swifter upgrades.

Defense Systems

New drones offer out-of-theater advantages

Unlike the current Predator and Reaper drones, the next-generation models have jet engines and the ability to avoid enemy radar.

Defense Systems

Navy chief touts shift to information from might

Navy intelligence chief David Dorsett told reporters that there has been a shift from an Industrial Age military force to an Information Age force. The point is to balance what the Navy is already good at -- "strike warfare" -- with intelligence and information.

Defense Systems

NSPS conversion yields troubles for Air Force command

The Air Force Space Command announced that there have been some errors in converting its more than 3,000 positions back into the General Schedule from the controversial pay-for-performance system by the September 2010 deadline.

Defense Systems

Army salutes top 10 battlefield inventions

The annual Army's Greatest Invention program cites technologies that are the most innovative from research labs throughout the Army from the preceding year.

Defense Systems

Air Force slowly phases out predator drone

Beginning in February 2011, the Air Force will accept its last Predator delivery as it moves to the faster Reaper drone over time.

Defense Systems

Air Force bans use of removable media, under threat of court martial

The commander of Air Force Network Operations has issued a Cyber Control Order banning all removable media from use on SIPRnet in an attempt to stop leaks, according to a report.