Author Archive
Clare Foran

Clare Foran is an associate editor at The Atlantic. Her writing has appeared in The Atlantic Cities, Philadelphia City Paper and NPR's science and technology blog, All Tech Considered. Clare is originally from Buffalo, N.Y., and graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a B.A. in History.
Hillary Clinton Tears Into Trump's 'Bizarre' National Security
The GOP presidential contender's foreign policy views are 'dangerously incoherent. They are not even really ideas, just a series of bizarre rants, personal feuds and outright lies,' she said Thursday in California.
- Clare Foran
Obama, Xi Reach Agreement Over Chinese Data Thefts
The two leaders agreed that neither government would conduct or knowingly support web enabled theft of intellectual property.
- Nora Kelly and Clare Foran, National Journal
Republicans Push Climate Change Cuts at CIA, Defense Department
The new GOP budget wants to gut the Pentagon's research into the national security implications of climate change.
- Clare Foran, National Journal
Kerry Calls Climate Change a Threat to National Security
The Secretary of State says climate change can be considered a 'weapon of mass destruction.' By Clare Foran
- Clare Foran, National Journal