Defense Systems

DOD picks BlackBerry 7 devices for widespread use

Defense Department personnel can now use the BlackBerry 7 line of products across the department's enterprise network.

Defense Systems

Army cyber pros pitch in with network evaluation

The Army Cyber Command maintains a team of specialists to help review and test equipment for network vulnerabilities at the service's Network Integration Evaluation.

Defense Systems

Small satellite clusters deemed more able to adapt, survive

The Defense Department's research agency seeks to build clusters of small spacecraft that work together and share information.

Defense Systems

Navy looks to private industry for help with data center consolidation

New technologies and management techniques offer increased efficiency and flexibility.

Defense Systems

Navy investigates UAS crashes as programs move forward

Navy forges ahead with key UAS programs while trying to figure out what caused two of its Fire Scouts to crash recently.

Defense Systems

The Navy has some ideas on the tough acquisition questions

The Navy is reviewing how it acquires IT systems and streamlines it logistics processes to better navigate tighter budgets.

Defense Systems

DARPA wants robots that help clean up after disasters

The research agency's latest robotics challenge aims to develop robots capable of handling emergency tasks in dangerous environments.

Defense Systems

DOD mobile strategy behind the eight-ball compared to industry

DISA is gearing up to launch a DOD-wide mobility plan that will include setting up an enterprise app store and establishing standards for software developers in an effort to keep up with the commercial marketplace.

Defense Systems

Setting a new standard: Marines want a few good multi-platform mobile devices

The Marine Corps is looking for a new generation of secure mobile devices that can work in both classified government domains and the commercial marketplace.

Defense Systems

Army Cyber Command beefs up inspections, network defenses

The Army Cyber Command is changing its information assurance accreditation process by increasing automation and training additional compliance teams.

Defense Systems

Army PM DCATS transition means many contracting opportunities

The Army's Defense Communications and Army Transmissions System program is ready to issue new contracts to industry.

Defense Systems

Space sector efficiencies may help DOD save money, executives say

The commercial space industry is proposing a number of leasing options that might help the DOD trim costs.

Defense Systems

New satellite capabilities target UAV needs

UAV operations are driving new developments in waveforms and spacecraft to support mission needs.

Defense Systems

Space clutter jams radio signals

The rapid global growth of satellite operators is causing substantial interference problems, experts say.

Defense Systems

DOD should rethink satellite bandwidth policies, expert says

The ways DOD pays for and manages its leased civilian satellite communications networks are inefficient and needlessly expensive, one industry official says.

Defense Systems

Hosted payload program teaches lessons for future launches

Panelists discuss lessons learned from CHIRP program about information assurance, interagency cooperation.

Defense Systems

Export laws hurt US space competitiveness, lawmaker says

The U.S. government needs to repeal export laws limiting the competitiveness of U.S. firms in the international space market.

Defense Systems

Hard lessons from hosted payloads

Federal agencies and commercial firms find the devil is in the details when it comes to managing and deploying hosted payloads.

Defense Systems

Coming to an airspace near you: DOD moves to increase UAVs in US

The department is working with the FAA to develop tracking and collision-avoidance technologies to enable more domestic unmanned flights.

Defense Systems

DARPA's cheetahbot: Fastest thing on two -- robot -- legs

The Cheetah, part of the agency's research into all-terrain robots, has just won the land speed record for legged robots.