Defense Systems
Are password rules just bad magic?
We still want your ideas for creating and remembering strong passwords, but at least one security consultant thinks it's the wrong approach. Here's why.
Defense Systems
Strong passwords: You DO have better ideas!
We asked you for ideas on creating and remembering strong passwords, and the floodgates opened.
Defense Systems
The top 10 awfully bad passwords people use
Many end users don't understand the need for good passwords, report shows.
Defense Systems
Managing strong passwords: You got a better idea?
The best tip for creating -- and remembering without writing down -- strong passwords wins a prize.
Defense Systems
Personal data of reservists, veterans at risk in recent thefts
In separate incidents, thieves stole laptop computers containing personal information on reservists and veterans.
Defense Systems
For agencies, cloud's future lies between hype and reality
The technology is there and security is rapidly improving, but agencies now must decide if they're ready for the dramatic changes cloud computing can bring.
Defense Systems
Navy withheld data breach information for more than a year
The Navy knew right away that 244 employees' Social Security numbers had been released. Why did officials wait for 17 months before telling them?
Defense Systems
Does the military have too many drones?
The military might be taking on more unmanned aircraft than it can handle.
Defense Systems
Defense Department chooses CIO
Unconfirmed reports indicate that Teri Takai, chief information officer for the state of California, will become DOD's next CIO.
Defense Systems