Science & Tech

Missile threats are proliferating. Here’s how the Pentagon is trying to keep up

A booster tweak might improve an anti-ICBM weapon while a next-gen missile-spotting constellation comes online.


How Russia-, China-linked actors use OpenAI for disinformation

American AI tools are boosting disinformation around the world. That has the makers of those tools concerned.

Science & Tech

China’s effort to take over Taiwan without firing a shot

How influence operations, cyber-weapon hoarding, and intimidation factor into China’s Taiwan play.

Science & Tech

Losing hearts and minds: The desperate state of US influence operations

The United States is surrendering ground to Russia and China’s propaganda machines. That has key officials increasingly worried.

Science & Tech

First Replicator drones already in Indo-Pacific, DOD says

It’s a first for “warfighter-centric innovation,” says deputy defense secretary.


Austin on Rafah operation: ‘There's better ways to do this’

U.S. officials are voicing greater concern about Israel's new operation. That hasn’t changed policy.


U.S. military completes temporary pier off Gaza; deliveries to start within days

Thousands of tons of aid are on the way, one week after the IDF closed a key land corridor.


Ukrainians plead with White House to lift missile-use restrictions

The White House is giving Ukraine more weapons, but also “limiting our capabilities,” officials warn.

Science & Tech

Navy slow to adopt modern ship-designing tools, GAO finds

The service is getting in the way of shipbuilders who want to go digital, the watchdog said.

Science & Tech

Giant military manta ray drone passes first ocean test

Manta Ray prototype demonstrates propulsion, steering in step toward “real-world operations.”


SecDef: I haven't seen a full Israeli plan to protect civilians in Rafah

“We certainly would want to see things done in a much different way” than elsewhere in Gaza, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said.

Science & Tech

How digital engineering could produce new weapons faster

“This enables process automation more broadly,” GDIT engineer says of new accelerator.