Author Archive

Ronald Brownstein

Ronald Brownstein
Ronald Brownstein is Atlantic Media's Editorial Director for Strategic Partnerships, in charge of long-term editorial strategy. He also writes a weekly column and regularly contributes other pieces for the National Journal, contributes to Quartz, and The Atlantic, and coordinates political coverage and activities across publications produced by Atlantic Media.

GOP Lawmakers Used to Oppose Trump's Embrace of Russia. No More.

High-ranking Republicans are now defending the president with debunked claims that national security experts say play right into Putin's hands.


Has Trump Irreversibly Altered the GOP's Foreign Policy?

He’s reprising a struggle within the party that was fought in the 1950s—with long-term results.


How Putin is Using Populist Movements Against the West

It’s time to decide what goals should guide American foreign policy in the 21st century, and what allies are needed to advance them.


Opposing Political Views Emerge in Face of Real, Imagined Threats

In the U.S. and Europe, two factions duel on immigration, Muslims, and nation-building.


Trump and Cruz's 'Protectionism' Reveal a GOP National Security Identity in Tatters

The insular vision of the two top-polling can­did­ates poses a sharp chal­lenge to the usual in­ter­na­tion­al­ism that has long dom­in­ated the Republican party.


Why Americans Are as Divided About ISIS as They Are About Everything

America is bitterly divided over the threat of Islamic extremism partly because we are now bitterly divided over almost everything.


Is Netanyahu Forging a New Normal in US-Israeli Relations?

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's high-profile intervention into American politics is a dramatic reversal from historic norms. But will it make any difference to Washington or Jerusalem?


Should America Protect Itself Through Bridges or Barricades?

President Obama's response to global challenges stresses coalition-building over unilateralism. By Ronald Brownstein


What Comes After the Parallel Failures of Bush and Obama?

After Bush and Obama, how can presidential contenders truly increase America's ability to shape global events in 2016? By Ronald Brownstein


Tired of Fighting, Americans Give Obama Space On Iran

Obama's critics on Iran can say what they want; Americans have seen the limits of fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, and Obama has room to move. By Ronald Brownstein


Obama Still Faces Plenty of Risks on Syria

Diplomacy has yielded plenty of initial dividends, but there are plenty of pitfalls ahead before the situation over Syria's chemical weapons is resolved. By Ron Brownstein.


Americans Staunchly Opposed to Military Intervention in Syria

New poll suggests that Americans want Obama to find another way to avert a military response to the crisis in the Middle East. By Ronald Brownstein


Why Isolationism Is Back in America

The United States' mixed record on military interventions, coupled with an inherent skepticism of foreign involvement, has cooled any appetite towards a strike in Syria. By Ronald Brownstein