The unsolved case of the Army's missing bomb jammers

Thieves stole two Toyota Land Cruisers from a coalition base in Kabul, Afghanistan, that contained two sets of top-secret Duke radio frequency jammers used to block the signals that detonate remote-controlled improvised explosive devices.

Thieves stole two Toyota Land Cruisers from a coalition base in Kabul, Afghanistan, that contained as part of their contents two sets of top-secret Duke radio frequency jammers used to block the signals that detonate remote-controlled improvised explosive devices, reports David Axe and Wired's Danger Room blog.
It is unclear whether the thieves were after the Duke equipment, or if the Land Cruisers were the intended target and the jammers an unexpected bonus, the blog says.
The principle behind the expensive bomb jammers that they emit a powerful radio signal that drowns out other radio signals, including signals established to detonate IEDs placed along roadsides or in buildings.
Duke is not the most modern jamming device, the blog says, that distinction belongs to the Counter Radio-Controlled IED Electronic Warfare jammer.