AI & Autonomy

More than 7,000 NSA analysts are using generative AI tools, director says

The signals-intelligence agency has about 170 AI-related projects in the works, including 10 of the highest priority.

Five firms—don’t ask who—will vie to make brains for USAF robot wingmen

The Air Force, which is keeping the names under wraps, will pick a winner in time for 2026 production.

Senators seek to advance AI capabilities at national labs

Proposed legislation looks to give the U.S. national laboratories a strong artificial intelligence infrastructure while acknowledging associated risks.

Trump pledges to ax Biden’s AI-safety order

The newly adopted Republican platform says the executive order "hinders AI Innovation."

The US intelligence community is embracing generative AI

Intelligence agencies are using generative AI for a variety of purposes, including content triage and assisting analysts.

Army to seek industry help on AI

"We're not gonna develop our algorithms better than y’all,” a service acquisition leader told an industry conference.

A key Pentagon data-analysis tool is getting ease-of-use upgrades

The Advana platform is being rebuilt to handle data differently.

DHS details how AI could amplify biological, chemical threats

While access to laboratory facilities is still a hurdle, a new report notes that cloud labs could allow the stealthy development of weapons components. 

Two startups join forces to make self-flying tankers, dogfighting AI, and more

Merlin Labs, which aims to test an AI-powered KC-135 within a year, is to buy F-16 AI driver EpiSci.

How Russia-, China-linked actors use OpenAI for disinformation

American AI tools are boosting disinformation around the world. That has the makers of those tools concerned.

AI-powered F-16 impresses ride-along SECAF in dogfight

Air Force will deploy armed, automated aircraft around 2030, Kendall says.

There’s ‘still more work to be done’ for DOD on AI

The Pentagon has started to use the technology, but challenges lie ahead.

'ChatGPT, plan my top-secret mission'

Microsoft adds an air-gapped generative AI tool to its cloud services for classified workloads.

The Army is trying to identify all the obstacles to adopting AI in 100 days

Launched in March, the effort is looking at poisoned datasets, adversarial attacks, Trojans, and more.