The China Intelligence

Farewell to China’s Strategic Support Force. Let’s meet its replacements

The PLA axes an organization once hailed as evidence of innovation.

China’s nascent railgun is just the tip of its shipboard R&D

Meet the lab working to equip PLAN warships with vast amounts of electrical power.

China is building its own Starlink—even as questions surround Musk's constellation

A recent rocket launch lofted satellites for a Chinese service to mimic SpaceX, which was slammed this weekend by a top U.S. lawmaker.

How China is winning the Middle East

China is working to present itself as a responsible alternative to the U.S. in the Middle East, just as many are questioning Washington’s long-term commitment to the region.

We have China’s ‘anti-access’ challenge exactly backward

Stronger regional security depends on getting this right—then setting aside our wants for our needs.

Size isn’t everything: China’s new chip is less earthshaking than you may have heard

It’s one thing to make circuits smaller than the US will sell you; it’s another to do it at scale.

China is honing runway-repair teams

In a Pacific conflict, sustained air operations will turn on the ability to keep airfields open.

China’s war planners are leaning harder on its militia

The PLA’s reserve auxiliary force dwarfs the regular military, but is understudied and too often overlooked.

What Venezuela’s moonbase vow says about China, Russia, and the USA

Caracas’ participation in the International Lunar Research Station is more than merely symbolic.

China Is Gearing Up to Evade Chip-Export Rules

As one avenue for China to illicitly acquire high-end dual use technology dries up, watch for others to expand.

China’s New Conscription Rules Reveal Concerns

New sections on wartime drafts, punishment, and physical fitness offer a glimpse into PLA leaders’ minds.

Chinese Breakthroughs Bring Quantum Tools Closer to Practicality

Still, concerns of a Chinese “quantum supremacy” should be softened by the realities and difficulties of this new space.

China's Secretive Quest for Heavier Artillery

A now-deleted post reveals a research contract to test-fire 203mm shells, bigger than anything in the U.S. or Chinese arsenal.

China Gears Up for Cognitive Warfare

Like the U.S. military, the PLA is working on wearable sensors and other ways to hone and maintain troops' fighting spirit.

China Is Eating Russia’s Lunch in the Defense Market

The script has flipped in the countries’ traditional defense-industrial relationship.

China ‘Colonizes’ Space with Its First Rice Harvest

The cultivation of food in orbit is part of a larger push by the Chinese space program toward a lunar base.