
Three Soldiers to Receive Medal of Honor

The awards are for actions during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.


Will Congress Ever Repeal Its Post-9/11 War Authorizations?

The passage of two decades since the Sept. 11 terror attacks might be a “wake-up call” for lawmakers.


US Will End Combat Mission In Iraq, Biden Says

US needs to 'divert more of our body on threats in China and Russia,' says Joint Chiefs Vice Chairman Gen. Hyten


Clarity on Afghanistan, Confusion on Iraq

Biden gave us clarity on Afghanistan and it’s time he does the same in Iraq.


Officials Deny American Troops Are Pulling Out Of Iraq as Strategic Talks Near

Biden will likely discuss the future of the American troop presence in Iraq when the prime minister visits Washington this month.


Air Strikes Renew Battle Over War Authorizations

Some lawmakers are using Sunday’s strikes in Iraq and Syria to push for keeping a two-decade-old statute, but law experts say their arguments don’t hold water.


Don’t Just End the War in Afghanistan, Repeal the Resolution That Authorized It

No current threat remotely justifies roving presidential authority to wage war on multiple continents.


Militias in Iraq Provide Security, Wield Political Power, and May Be Tearing the Country Apart

The top U.S. commander there said Iraq may be headed for another civil war if the government can’t firm up control.

Exclusive Policy

Coalition Plans To Expand Giant ISIS Prison In Syria

The UK-funded effort signals no answer in sight to the thousands of foreign and Syrian detainees.


Troops Describe Night of Fire From Shadowy Iraqi Militants

After the first rocket struck the Erbil base on Monday, “everything happened pretty quickly.” But U.S. officials still aren't sure who's responsible.


Photos Reveal Damage from Deadly Rocket Attack at US Base in Iraq

Monday night's attack caught U.S. personnel in their bunks and destroyed contractor living facilities.

Breaking News Threats

Rocket Attack Hits US Base in Iraqi Kurdistan; Casualties Reported

Five Americans wounded, including one US troop, and one non-U.S. civilian killed in attack claimed by an Iran-linked militia group, as indirect fire hits airport compound and other sites in Erbil.