
Biden to reverse Trump decision to move Space Command to Alabama

The decision to keep the command at its current home in Colorado will surely enrage Alabama politicians.

Science & Tech

USAF tweaks competition to spread rocket work

The Pentagon had previously planned to rely on just two heavy-lift launch providers.

Science & Tech

ULA’s first Vulcan launch pushed to end of the year

After an explosion in March, the company launched an investigation into what happened to its new heavy-lift rocket during testing in Alabama.


Space Force opens marketplace, launches test initiative to get new tech faster

The service's weeks-old Commercial Space Office serves as a hub for several efforts to accelerate acquisition of next-gen tech.

Science & Tech

How Space Force wants to use AI

As satellites multiply, "we won't be able to...control all that by humans in real-time," Space Command's deputy chief says.


Proposed marijuana waivers acknowledge blunt recruiting truths

Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle want to remove a barrier to joining the U.S. military.

Science & Tech

China’s Commercial Space Ventures Pose A Variety of Threats, DOD Officials Say

Officials worry China may do for commercial-space capabilities what it did for cheap telecom equipment.


How the ‘Stormbringers’ are Preparing for War in Space

The Space Force’s orbital warfare unit is teaching its guardians about the “offensive and defensive fires” they might need for conflict.


Space Force Unworried by Predictions of Commercial-Launch Consolidation

There’s “certainly enough capacity,” the service’s No. 2. officer said—though “more is always better.”


To Escape Bullies, Military ‘Forced to Move’ Families with LGBTQ+ Kids

Harassment of children is "detracting from our readiness," says top Air Force manpower official, "because their school will do nothing when their LGBT kid is being bullied."


Space Force Hopes to Recoup Costs of Commercial Launches

A law that limits launch fees is under reconsideration as more private companies use government facilities to send rockets skyward.


Space Force Woos New Launch Bidders—But Startups Aren’t Quite Ready

Established giants are likely to win the first contracts awarded under a novel “two-lane” approach.


The Pentagon Is Increasingly Relying on Billionaires’ Rockets. And It’s OK with That.

Space Force leaders say carefully written contracts can prevent things like SpaceX’s about-face on Ukrainian satcomms.


Space Symposium Conference Wire 3: Threat Warnings

Day 3 of the conference brought warnings about China and Russia—and of a "subtle complacency" at home.


Tighten Access to Classified Info, Air Force Secretary Says

As the Pentagon responds to a classified document leak, officials should focus on enforcing “need to know,” according to Frank Kendall.


Allies Want Space Defenses Too, US Official Says

As friendly countries buy and develop their own satellites, they’re increasingly worried about protecting them, an Air Force leader said.


Space Symposium Conference Wire 1: All About Launches

The country's biggest space-focused conference gets underway in a year that's "all about launches."