
The Pentagon is the wrong agency to lead the new US deterrence strategy

If integrated deterrence is to succeed, the hammer must not be the tool of first resort.

Defense Systems

State Department Worries About Cyber Vulnerabilities Amid Debt Debate

The department wants to spend nearly $1 billion on cybersecurity in 2024 to improve networks and communications devices.


Marines Update Evacuation Playbook

A pre-deployment exercise allowed the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit to practice what they learned from the Afghanistan withdrawal and other non-combatant evacuation operations.


A Slim Rhetorical Wedge Could Drive China and Russia Apart

U.S. officials must skip no opportunity to remind Moscow that it is Beijing's junior partner.


More Is Needed to Deter States That Take American Hostages

Foreign governments are illegally detaining more U.S. citizens than are terror groups.


The Risks of De-escalation

At the wrong time and place, it can do more harm than good—as its Mideast track record shows.


Biden Vows to Add Feds at Border, Boost Efforts to Reduce Crossings

The administration will also expand humanitarian programs, though staffing shortfalls could hurt implementation.


State Department Opens Emerging-Tech Office

The Special Envoy for Critical and Emerging Technology will facilitate strategic partnerships to develop and regulate innovative technology.


New National Security Strategy Returns Focus to Rules, Partnerships, and American Leadership

China is a “pacing” threat, Russia just an “acute” one—but international partnerships, the old global order are key to beating both.


Fully Fund America’s International Affairs Budget

Few investments reap larger rewards than the less-than-1% we spend on diplomacy and development.


War Is No Reason to Put Arms-Control Negotiations on Hold

The possibility that Russia might use nuclear weapons in Ukraine is just one of the nuclear dangers we must address.


Iran, US Seem Unlikely to Reach a New Nuclear Deal

Both sides have said they want to return to 2015's JCPOA, but a number of sticking points remain.


4 in 5 Afghans Who Worked for the US Have Faced Taliban Threats, Poll Finds

Lawmakers and advocates are working on legislation to make the special immigrant visa program permanent.


US Will Spend $89M To Eradicate Russian Landmines In Ukraine

One hundred demining teams will work over the next year to clear the areas Russia held

Defense Systems

Cyber Ambassador Pick Wants to Bring 'Coherence' to Tech Diplomacy Efforts

Nathaniel Fick, the former Marine and head of Center for a New American Security, also wants more deterrence efforts in cyberspace.


How Biden Can Win His Middle East Trip

The president can advance U.S. interests and regain the region’s trust, if he evolves his messages and policies.