
How Biden Can Win His Middle East Trip

The president can advance U.S. interests and regain the region’s trust, if he evolves his messages and policies.


US Pushing Monitoring Body to Extend Russian War-Crimes Inquest

The OSCE already did one fact-finding mission in March; U.S. diplomats are whipping up support for another.


Lawmakers Seek To Flex Dormant Foreign-Policy Muscle On Capitol Hill

“Right now we have an unbroken streak of one,” a Senate aide told Defense One.


Hiring for the Foreign Service Is Getting an Overhaul

The nearly 100-year-old test will play less of a role in picking candidates.


US’ Written Response To Russia ‘Isn’t About Concession,’ Blinken says

NATO and U.S. officials proposed ideas to cooperate with Moscow, an attempt to avert conflict over Ukraine.


Blinken Delivers Closing Argument In Rebuke of Russia

America’s top diplomat refuted Russia’s claims that it is acting in self-defense on the Ukrainian border.


Private Group Keeps Afghanistan Evacuations Flying Despite Ground Halt

Group leader: “There are Americans saying, ‘Help me, help me, help me.’ And the State Department is saying, ‘Fill out your form in triplicate.’”


Austin Rejects ‘Red Lines’ for Taiwan, Ukraine

As crises loom, defense secretary reveals a bit of his diplomacy-first thinking.


Diplomacy Is the Key to Reducing US Forces in the Mideast

The Pacific pivot need not reduce Middle East security—if the U.S. can get its partners on board.


China Ambassador Nominee ‘Concerned’ By Beijing’s Nuke Buildup

In his confirmation hearing, Nicholas Burns also talked about more American help for Taiwan and NATO’s views on China.


Mind the ‘Middle Powers’ Gap

While pivoting from terrorism to great powers, the U.S. should pay far more attention those countries caught in the struggle between democracy and authoritarianism.


Biden’s Best Chance to Get Back on Course with Europe

The president should send his best team to NATO and EU talks, find common ground on China, and repair the damage done by the AUKUS submarine deal.


Austin, Milley Say White House Was Advised to Keep US Troops in Afghanistan

The Afghanistan evacuation that resulted was “a logistical success but a strategic failure,” Milley said.


Are Directed-Energy Weapons Behind the Havana Syndrome?

As an aerospace engineer and former Vice Chair of the U.S. Air Force Scientific Advisory Board, I can attest to the effectiveness of such weapons.


Congress’ Afghanistan Oversight Marred By Politics

Lawmakers overwhelmingly postured instead of asking America’s top diplomat real questions.