
Will a GOP Senate Let Obama Close Guantanamo?

The president's ability to fulfill his campaign pledge could depend on which side wins an inner-party debate. By Jordain Carney


Sen. Coburn Is Holding Up the Veterans Suicide Prevention Bill

Several senators want the Clay Hunt suicide prevention bill passed by unanimous consent, but its being held up by Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma. By Jordain Carney


Will Sexual Assault Reform Derail the Defense Bill?

With time running short, Senate Armed Services leaders want to rush passage of the new defense bill without any amendments tacked on. By Jordain Carney and Alex Brown


Corruption in Afghanistan Is Getting 'Significantly Worse'

The top watchdog for reconstruction in Afghanistan says it 'seems like nobody is responsible for anything.' By Jordain Carney


US Targets the Khorasan Group With a New Round of Airstrikes

The Defense Department says the terrorist organization is plotting to attack the United States or Europe. By Jordain Carney


The Senate's Defense Policy Could Soon Rest in John McCain's Hands

Sen. John McCain is widely expected to become the next Armed Services Committee chairman in January. Here's how things could get interesting. By Jordain Carney


Hagel Orders 21-Day Quarantine for US Troops Returning From Ebola Mission

Pentagon officials pointed to concerns over the safety of personnel coming back from Operation United Assistance in West Africa. By Jordain Carney


Does the VA Have a Women Veterans Problem?

Both inside and outside of the department, there's one consensus: the VA has a long way to go to gain the trust of female veterans. By Jordain Carney


Concerned About Retaliation, VA Wants To Restrict When Vets Can View Disability Claims Online

Officials are worried that some veterans could become violent if they believe that their disability claims are being denied. By Jordain Carney


The Pentagon Can't Say If It Stopped the Khorasan Terror Threat

Early reports that Mohsin al-Fadhli, one of the group's leaders, was killed during still can’t be confirmed. By Jordain Carney


The Army's Post-War Identity Crisis

After large-scale ground wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Army is mapping out what its future will look like. By Jordain Carney


VA Is Bracing for a New Front in the Agent Orange Battle

A group of post-Vietnam War veterans say their illnesses are tied to the herbicide. So far, Veterans Affairs isn't buying it. By Jordain Carney


Afghanistan Signs Deal To Keep 10,000 US, NATO Troops

The new Afghanistan president signed a bilateral security agreement that will keep international troops in the country well beyond 2014. By Jordain Carney


The Pentagon Will Need More Money from Congress To Fight ISIL

Whatever the defense budget for FY15 ends up being, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said he will have to go back to Congress to ask for more money. By Jordain Carney


The VA's Troubles (Still) Aren't Going Anywhere

The department's Inspector General's Office is investigating 93 facilities and believes scheduling manipulation purposely took place in roughly three out of every four. By Jordain Carney


VA Reform Bill Clears Senate, Heads to Obama's Desk

A long-awaited VA bill is on its way to becoming law, but more work remains to be done. By Jordain Carney


Will the Syrian Torture Photos Compel Congress to Act?

Just before the August recess, House lawmakers recoiled in horror at a Syrian defector's photos of more than 10,000 victims of Assad's bloody civil war. By Jordain Carney


Meet the Man Now Responsible for Solving the VA Crisis

Incoming VA secretary Robert McDonald received unanimous support during his Senate confirmation vote Tuesday. Now the real work begins. By Jordain Carney


How Long Will Congress Take to Solve the VA's Problems?

Lawmakers have serious reservations about the VA's $17.6 billion request to fix the overburdened system. By Jordain Carney


Don't Expect the VA to Improve Overnight

The acting VA secretary told Senators it will take years to correct the department's troubled course -- but an extra $17 billion could certainly speed things up. By Jordain Carney