Defense Systems

DOD asks for extension on JEDI review

The Defense Department requested an extension to a stay in a lawsuit before announcing any revisions to the award in the $10 billion Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure cloud deal.

Defense Systems

Perspecta takes NGEN protest to court

Perspecta is going to the judicial arena in the company's fight for at least another opportunity to try and keep its large NGEN network services contract with the Navy.

Defense Systems

DOD names contractors as part of nation's critical infrastructure

DOD acquisition chief Ellen Lord has declared that contractors in the defense industrial base are part of the nation's critical infrastructure sector and can continue to report to work during the pandemic.

Defense Systems

AWS seeks Trump deposition in JEDI fight

Amazon Web Services is going right to the top in its protest of the JEDI cloud infrastructure contract awarded to Microsoft by asking for deposition of President Trump and several high level DOD officials.

Defense Systems

JEDI legal fights plays out in two courts

Not one, but two ongoing legal battles over the Defense Department's JEDI cloud infrastructure contract have advanced with many global tech giants in the thick of it.

Defense Systems

Lockheed's board adds former joint chiefs chair

Lockheed Martin's board of directors elects a new member in Joseph Dunford, the most recent Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman.

Defense Systems

Amazon Web Services aims to stop JEDI roll-out

Amazon Web Services has asked for a temporary pause in Defense Department's work with Microsoft on the Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure Enterprise cloud contract.

Defense Systems

DOD tries to shut down Oracle's JEDI appeal

Government attorneys argued that Oracle's allegations are moot, now that Microsoft won the Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure procurement.

Defense Systems

Amazon files sealed JEDI protest

Amazon Web Services' protest of the Defense Department's award of the JEDI cloud infrastructure contract made it to court Friday. While mostly sealed, some early cards in AWS' hand are evident, including claims of undue influence from President Trump.

Defense Systems

JEDI award signals rise of hybrid cloud

Advances in cloud technology are making data and applications increasingly interoperable between clouds.

Defense Systems

DARPA ushers geospatial analytics into cloud

DARPA and Maxar are collaborating to bring more geospatial analytics to the cloud as technologies and customer desires drive new business models.

Defense Systems

Timeline for JEDI cloud contract takes shape

Federal Claims Judge Eric Bruggink lifted a stay on an Oracle lawsuit against the procurement and approved a new timeline for the matter, including a new date for oral arguments.

Defense Systems

Navy awards $446M market research contract

Three firms are chosen for a $446 million blanket purchase agreement for IT research and informative services to defense agencies.

Defense Systems

DISA sticks with GDIT for network infrastructure support

General Dynamics IT takes a $491 million blanket purchase agreement to continue its support of the Defense Department’s network infrastructures.

Defense Systems

DOD gives Microsoft $1.7B support contract

The Defense Department awards Microsoft a sole-source $1.7 billion contract for product enterprise services.

Defense Systems

Army awards part 2 of $7B HR support contract

The Army makes large business awards against its $7 billion human resources support contract.

Defense Systems

DISA awards $323M processing contract

Hewlett Packard Enterprise wins a $323.9 million processor capacity services contract with DISA.

Defense Systems

New report shows challenges of modernizing DOD's supply chain management

Even as DOD seems to be full-steam ahead on modernization, sustainment spending continues to loom large for supply chain management and legacy market players do there as well.

Defense Systems

Navy picks six for $3B Microsoft software supply pact

The Navy chooses six companies for a $3.2 billion blanket purchase agreement to distribute Microsoft brand name software licenses and subscriptions across multiple agencies.

Defense Systems

DARPA looks to machine learning for RF defense program

BAE Systems will research machine learning algorithms for a DARPA program to better identify and decipher radio frequency signals.