Army to take Afghanistan fight to the Web

The Army is looking for a new type of soldier -- one that can take the fight in Afghanistan to the World Wide Web.

The Army is seeking a new type of warrior to help win the war in Afghanistan, one that can take the fight to the World Wide Web, where it is being waged on a second front, according to Spencer Ackerman of’s Danger Room blog.

In a new solicitation, the service says it is looking for communications professionals to manage the public relations side of the war, which requires more than just being able to use social media tools like Twitter and Facebook, or running the U.S. military command in Afghanistan website – though those are part of the job, too.

With the Taliban’s ever-increasing presence on the Internet, and also ignorant – if not mendacious – Afghan government officials causing the public and the media to question the war, these communications warfighters will need to spin the war propaganda in a positive light almost as much it seems as the soldiers on the battlefield are needed.