
USAF Calls Killer-AI Report ‘Anecdotal’

Chief of AI test and operations says he “misspoke” about a “thought experiment” in which a drone killed its operator.

Science & Tech

DOD Wants AI to Help Automate Records Management

A new strategy seeks "an environment where DoD records are automatically identified and captured, expertly curated, and systemically governed."


GEOINT Conference Wire 2: All Eyes on AI

Many of the discussions on Day 1 of the geospatial-intelligence conference centered on generative artificial intelligence.

Science & Tech

Air Force Is Working on Rules for Using ChatGPT

The service's CIO also wants to encourage exploration of the "incredibly powerful capability" of generative artificial intelligence tools.


DHS Is Trying to Predict How AI Will Be Used for Harm

The coming inclusion of AI in critical infrastructure will open new and ill-understood vulnerabilities, the agency's Science and Technology Directorate leader says.

Science & Tech

How One Simulation Maker Is Adding AI, Drone Tactics

BISim is updating its widely used Virtual Battle Space products to reflect developments from Ukraine to Silicon Valley.

Science & Tech

How Self-Flying F-16s Will Enable Future Fighter Drones

The Air Force’s Venom project aims to use test data to train an AI engine that can be widely used.


State of the Navy 2023

Has the fleet settled on a consensus shipbuilding plan just in time to be disrupted by the unmanned revolution?

Science & Tech

Medevac Drone-Boat, Record-Setting UAV to Play in Sprawling Maritime Exercise

The U.S.-led IMX and Cutlass Express events will take place from the Mideast to East Africa.


One Year In: What Are The Lessons from Ukraine For The Future Of War?

From drones to network attacks to the LikeWar of social media, the conflict marks a turning point from old to new.

Science & Tech

Got New Autonomous Tech? The Army Wants to See It

Officials are gathering candidates for a second autonomous-tech assessment: air-ground robots, voice-guided technology, and more.  


Don’t Neglect ‘Small-Data’ AI

Big-data artificial intelligence may prove unsuitable for defense applications.

Science & Tech

The Army’s Longtime Cloud Chief Looks Back—and Forward

Paul Puckett talks about what the service has accomplished in cloud computing since 2019, what’s left undone, and what’s next.

Science & Tech

As a Groundbreaking Unmanned Task Force Hits Stride, Navy Mulls the Next One

Task Force 59 has earned full operational capability while “normalizing this activity,” 5th Fleet’s commander said.

Science & Tech

How AI Could Predict The Damage to Ukraine from Russian Missiles

By training a machine-learning model on battle-damage imagery, one company aims to help understand where attacks are happening and assess damage more quickly and accurately.


Inside Google’s Quest to Digitize Troops’ Tissue Samples

The tech giant has long sought access to a priceless trove of veterans’ skin samples, tumor biopsies and slices of organs. DOD staffers have pushed back, raising ethical and legal concerns, but Google might win anyway.