
5 Questions About the Storming of Brazil's Congress and the Military's Role

A conversation with Rafael Ioris, an expert on Brazilian politics at the University of Denver.


Q&A: China's Vast Influence Campaign in Canada

In an interview with ProPublica, investigative reporter Sam Cooper describes how he unearthed scandals that have shaken the Canadian political system.


Biden Vows to Add Feds at Border, Boost Efforts to Reduce Crossings

The administration will also expand humanitarian programs, though staffing shortfalls could hurt implementation.


Sell F-16s to Argentina

A 40-year-old war should not give China an arms-supply toehold in Latin America.


US Approves First Javelin Anti-Tank Weapon Sale to Brazil

Brasília wants up to 222 of the weapons, which have been used by the Ukrainian military against Russian tanks.


Biden to Tap Colombia As Next Major Non-NATO Ally

The longtime security partner would be the 19th country and third in South America to receive the designation.


Illegal Fishing Is a National Security Problem

The stability of countries and regions are threatened by the declining health of fish stocks, and by the groups and governments that run lawless fishing fleets.


How to Get the National Defense Strategy Out of Its Mideast Rut

We need less talk about why we need to leave, and more about why we need to compete elsewhere.


Declaring Mexican Drug Cartels ‘Terrorists’ Is a Bad Old Idea

Trump and Obama policymakers rejected it because it brings no new tools to bear — and quite a few drawbacks.


The Amazon Fires Reveal the Dysfunction of the Global Community

The case for territorial incursion in the Amazon is far stronger than the justifications for most war.


Brazil's Bolsonaro Is Endangering the World

As a store of carbon, the Amazon is fundamental to the survival of every person. If destroyed or degraded, the giant rain forest is simply beyond humanity’s ability to get back.