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Eliot A. Cohen

Eliot A. Cohen is a contributing writer at The Atlantic and the director of the Strategic Studies Program at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies. From 2007 to 2009, he served as counselor to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. He is the author of "The Big Stick: The Limits of Soft Power and the Necessity of Military Force."
This Is No Job for a General
President-elect Joe Biden should choose a civilian to lead his Department of Defense.
- Eliot A. Cohen, The Atlantic
America’s Generals Must Stand Up to Trump
Our military leaders are willing to take a bullet for this country. But are they prepared to take a pink slip?
- Eliot A. Cohen, The Atlantic
A Stain on the Honor of the Navy
In acceding to a White House request to cover the name of the USS John S. McCain, officers and officials revealed a rot within the service.
- Eliot A. Cohen, The Atlantic
The Brain of the Pentagon
Andrew Marshall leaves behind an American tradition of strategic thinking that will live well beyond him.
- Eliot A. Cohen, The Atlantic
The Lesson of Saruman
Tolkien has a warning to erstwhile #NeverTrumpers who are now choosing to ally with power rather than hold to their values.
- Eliot A. Cohen, The Atlantic
Pulling Security Clearances Is Just the Start
Another norm falls victim to Trump as he turns the power of government against his critics.
- Eliot A. Cohen
The Lesson of the Great War: Stay Engaged, America
A century after the guns fell silent, the United States risks replicating the errors of the past.
- Eliot A. Cohen
A Reckoning for Obama's Foreign-Policy Legacy
Veterans of the last administration are learning a hard lesson: Policies constructed by executive order and executive agreement are just as easily blown up by them.
- Eliot A. Cohen, The Atlantic
Neither Precise Nor Proportionate
Trump’s attack on Syria was unserious but intended to relieve emotional pressure—and in many ways, worse than doing nothing at all.
- Eliot A. Cohen, The Atlantic
McMaster's Choice
Before he was the national-security adviser, he wrote a lacerating account of generals who failed in advising Lyndon Johnson. What will he say now that he is free to talk about Trump?
- Eliot A. Cohen, The Atlantic
Team of Sycophants
Tillerson’s dismissal leaves the White House more than ever the conniving and dishonest court of an erratic, ill-informed, and willful monarch.
- Eliot A. Cohen, The Atlantic
Global Elites Cannot Save a World In Turmoil
Last weekend’s security conference in Munich was a stark reminder that this class has nothing of substance to offer a world in turmoil.
- Eliot A. Cohen, The Atlantic
Americans Are Rising to This Historic Moment
The commitment of ordinary citizens to democratic ideals is being tested each day—and its enduring strength is containing the damage of Trump’s presidency.
- Eliot A. Cohen, The Atlantic
Waiting for the Bomb to Drop
There are sounds, for those who can hear them, of the preliminary and muffled drumbeats of war.
- Eliot A. Cohen, The Atlantic
Three Ways to Read Trump's National Security Strategy
Is it better approached as a sacred text, or examined like the scat of a shaggy, woodland beast?
- Eliot A. Cohen, The Atlantic
What McCain Knows That Kelly Forgot
One veteran offered a dark picture of a nation estranged from its military—the other, a more hopeful vision of a future brighter than the past.
- Eliot A. Cohen, The Atlantic
Rex Tillerson Must Go
If he does remain, it will be yet another sign of the collapse of self-respect among those who are now willing to serve in senior positions in government.
- Eliot A. Cohen, The Atlantic
How Trump Is Ending the American Era
For all the visible damage the president has done to the nation’s global standing, things are much worse below the surface.
- Eliot A. Cohen
America Is Not Ready for a War in North Korea
If loose words about fire and fury are a mere negotiating tactic, they will not deliver what the United States desires.
- Eliot A. Cohen, The Atlantic
The Downsides of John Kelly's Ascension
The former Marine general is unlikely to succeed in his new job, even as his appointment contributes to the decay of American civil-military relations.
- Eliot A. Cohen, The Atlantic