
Unpacking Harris' record on defense civilians and workforce

The vice president has fought discriminatory pay practices, helped guide how the government uses AI, and championed public-sector unions.

Updated Threats

How federal agencies are responding to the Trump assassination attempt

FBI, Secret Service, and others are deploying personnel in response to Saturday's shooting.


Biden threatens veto as GOP outlines proposed FY25 cuts

House Republicans propose cutting $700m from military construction, 12% of State and USAID funding, and more.


With one day until shutdown, House sends stopgap funding bill to Senate

The Senate hopes to act quickly on the bill and set up votes on full-year appropriations next week.


Senate inches toward another two-tiered stopgap spending bill

Facing a shutdown at the end of the week, Congress aims to push the deadlines into early March.


Congress averts shutdown with a 45-day stopgap funding bill

Lawmakers passed a bipartisan measure just hours before a funding lapse was set to furlough hundreds of thousands of federal employees.


White House to feds: Prepare for a shutdown

Level of preparedness and communication varies across government agencies as fiscal deadline looms.


Biden Vows to Add Feds at Border, Boost Efforts to Reduce Crossings

The administration will also expand humanitarian programs, though staffing shortfalls could hurt implementation.


New Ranking Member Could Shake up a Key Senate Oversight Committee

A new Republican on the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee wants the body to "reassert itself."


Congress Prepares One-Week CR as Lawmakers Work Toward Full-Year Funding Deal

The continuing resolution would push off a government shutdown from Friday night to Dec. 23.


VA to Offer Abortions in Limited Cases

In a policy reversal, the department will allowing its doctors to terminate pregnancies caused by rape or incest, or that threaten the mother's life.


VA Is 'Closely Watching' the Fate of Abortion Access as It Weighs Offering the Service

The leader of the largest hospital network in the country says he has the authority to change the department's policy.