
Amid Federal Finger-Pointing, FEMA Takes Stock of Puerto Rico Effort

The director acknowledged an imperfect response and says he wants to create a cadre of FEMA reservists.


Defense Contractors Begin Early Shutdown Preparations

Private firms are already ahead of the government in their planning, experts say.


Annual Defense Bill Aims to Rein in Pentagon Outsourcing

Supporters say measure would protect federal employees from seeing their jobs contracted out.

Science & Tech

Veterans Affairs to Adopt DoD’s Electronic Health-Records System

VA will sign onto MHS Genesis platform being developed by Cerner and Leidos under a $4 billion contract.


Trump Ends Federal Hiring Freeze, but Workforce Cuts Loom

In issuing guidance for reductions, OMB director tells feds not to focus on who will be fired.


Trump to Congress: Give Pentagon $54B. I'll Tell You Why Later

The roughly 10% boost would come out of nearly every other federal agency’s 2018 budget, including foreign aid.


CIA, ODNI Get Exemption from Trump's Hiring Freeze

Agency leaders are told that if someone would work during a government shutdown, their job can be filled during the freeze.


Trump Wants DHS to Hire 15,000 for Border Security? Not So Fast

The proposed surge would provide assets some agency officials have long requested. It would also enable Trump to fulfill a campaign promise—but it comes with challenges.  


The US Military Is Shedding Civilian Jobs. It Has No Idea How Much Money It’s Actually Saving

The Government Accountability Office wants to make sure the military isn’t letting employees go without a true accounting of the costs.


Overhaul Veterans Care by Working with More Private-Sector Firms, Panel Says

The Commission on Care's final report declines to recommend stripping the Veterans Health Administration of its status as a government agency.

Science & Tech

The Obama Administration Is Struggling to Reform the Security Clearance Process

OPM, ODNI and other agencies are failing to meet their own deadlines on a wide array of measures aimed at sniffing out internal threats.


The Pentagon's New Grading System for Civilians May Take Even Longer to Get Started

Six years after Congress mandated it, the U.S. military says it's ready to test a new way to assess its civilian workers. But a federal union claims the test-run will be deeply flawed.


Obama's Security Clearance Overhaul Lands with a Thud Before Lawmakers

The plan, which tasks the Pentagon with safeguarding new investigations, appears to just be 'window dressing on a broken home.'


Defense Employees Favored Carson, at Least Until West Point Flap

A survey of U.S. defense workers showed favoritism for the current GOP 2016 frontrunner, but that was before one of his biggest gaffes yet.


DOD Sequestration Furloughs Were Fair, Court Says

Judges reject argument that some employees should have escaped budget battle.