
No One’s Morale Is Dropping Faster Than Homeland Security

DHS bucks the trend in a new survey that finds federal employees are slightly happier on the job this year.


White House, Agencies Begin Prepping for ‘Executing an Orderly Shutdown’

OMB is currently reviewing contingency plans submitted by all agencies in preparation for an appropriations lapse.


Army Takes Biggest Hit In OPM Hack

The service will cover 40 percent of the Pentagon's plan to spend $132 million on credit monitoring.


Second OPM Hack Stole Data of 21.5M People, Including Biometric

The breach affects nearly everyone that underwent a background check through OPM in 2000 or later.


Corruption at US Border Security Could Undermine Entire System, Report Says

An internal report found the agency’s current investigations process 'chronically slow' and recommended a surge of nearly 350 new investigators.


The Air Force Is Trying To Get Some of Its Civilians To Leave

Hoping to avoid layoffs, the service is offering incentives to civilians who retire early.


Whistleblower Says VA Spent More Than $6 Billion Unlawfully

Secretary McDonald, who apparently sat on a memo about the problem, says the whistleblower should fix it himself.


Pentagon Workers Put Escorts and Casino Bets on DOD Charge Cards

Over the course of a year, Defense Department employees put nearly $1 million spent at casinos on government charge cards, a pending investigation has revealed.


Number of Security Clearance Holders Drops 12 Percent

Federal agencies have trimmed the ranks of employees and contractors with access to classified information.


House Panel Advances Military Retirement Reform Bill

The measure would expand perks for personnel who don't spend a significant portion of their career in the military.


John McCain to Air Force: Fire More Civilians

The Arizona senator says that the Air Force's claims it met staffing cuts are in fact a ruse that resulted in none of the cost savings that were intended.


Boats, Biometrics and Other Items in the Homeland Security Funding Bill

Congress just authorized $750 million for the Department of Homeland Security's cybersecurity operations and approved a new biometrics program for border agents.


VA Employees Say They Are ‘Prisoners of a System’ They Can’t Change

The future of the VA means fewer facilities, and a hybrid approach to healthcare, VA Secretary Bob McDonald told a congressional panel.


Despite Scandal, the VA Has Actually Fired Very Few for Misconduct

Despite declaring a new culture of accountability, the Veterans Affairs Department fired about half the number of workers in 2014 than it did the previous year.


White House Requests Modest Pay Increase for Troops and Civilians

The Obama administration's fiscal 2016 plan would give troops a slight increase in pay over last year's 1 percent bump while federal workers would receive their highest pay raise in six years.


The Real Implications of a Homeland Security Shutdown

Democrats cite the elevated national security risk of a Department of Homeland Security shutdown showdown with Republicans.


The Pentagon Has No Idea How Many Employees It Needs

Defense headquarters offices were asked to reduce their budgets 20 percent by 2019. So far, the Pentagon cannot say how it will meet that goal. By Eric Katz


Republican Lawmakers Try Again To Cut 115,000 Civilian Defense Jobs

Rep. Kevin Calvert, R-Calif., is leading the charge to rein in an 'out of control' bureaucracy and save $82.5 billion over five years. By Eric Katz


Pelosi: The GOP Is ‘Threatening a Partial Government Shutdown’

Democrats in the House accuse the GOP of gambling with the nation's security by pitching a plan to keep the Department of Homeland Security open if the White House backs off executive action on immigration. By Eric Katz