Global Hawks remain on Carter's chopping block

Pentagon acquisition czar Ashton Carter has announced plans to streamline the Air Force RQ-4A/B Global Hawk program, including eliminating 11 more of the Block 30 Global Hawks from the scheduled purchase of 42 of the drones.

Among other details in the memo, Carter has ordered that the Global Hawk program be broken into subprograms for each individual block to enable more accurate cost analysis and that the Air Force get his authorization before “obligating any funds beyond the specified amounts identified [in his memo], even on existing contracts.”

In an memorandum released June 14, Pentagon acquisition czar Ashton Carter announced plans to streamline the Air Force RQ-4A/B Global Hawk program, including eliminating 11 more of the Block 30 Global Hawks from the scheduled purchase of 42 of the drones, reports Aviation Week

But despite recent testing failures and budget overruns, Carter will be giving the Global Hawk program, which is “essential to national security,” according to the memo, the green light for now.