Air Force

Air Force to miss its data-linking goal for cargo aircraft, commander says

But even if just 20% of the planes get the networking gear by next year, it's already proving its value, mobility chief says.

Boeing might put a drone operator in the F-15EX’s back seat

The company is mulling options as it pitches the modernized Eagle to international customers.

New design for next-gen UK-Italy-Japan fighter unveiled

But it’s no longer clear that Britain wants to prioritize a sixth-generation jet, much like the U.S. Air Force.

More bad news for Boeing defense on the horizon

The company is still “fighting through challenges” building new Air Force One planes, defense chief says.

Lockheed won’t get paid in full yet for upgraded F-35s, even as deliveries resume

The jets are being shipped with incomplete software, so the Pentagon is withholding part of its payment.

Lockheed resumes F-35 deliveries after year-long pause

But the tech-development problems that halted deliveries of the TR-3 version of the jet persist.

War and uncertainty shape Farnborough expectations

Under the buzz of big contracts, expect quiet conversations about allied production, industrial supply chains, and the future of NATO.

Concepts expected soon for NATO's next-gen rotorcraft

Up to three firms are expected to vie to make a fast aircraft to replace a thousand European helicopters.

U.S. Air Force culture needs a reboot

Too many of today’s operators think of themselves as passive helpers, not innovative war-winners.

New ICBM effort won’t slow down despite pledges to ‘restructure’ as costs balloon

Air Force says problems lie less with the Sentinel missile and more with its supporting infrastructure.