Army open to possible future role for Palantir intel software

The Army appears to still be considering a role for a rival off-the-shelf system that deployed units have asked to use in the field.

Despite the Army's decision in December 2012 to proceed with full deployment of its version of the Distributed Command Ground System, service officials appear to still be considering a role for a rival off-the-shelf system that deployed units have pushed for in the past, reports Army Times.

Certain parts of Palantir’s off-the-shelf intelligence collection, analysis and dissemination software, which has been useful in predicting locations of improvised explosive devices in Afghanistan, might in some fashion be integrated into a future version of DCGS-Army, the media outlet said based on an Army briefing to reporters on Dec. 20.

Palantir's intel software has various technologies that are of continuing interest to the service, such as ease of use, linking among data elements, and ability to work in a disconnected and limited communications environment lacking large amounts of bandwidth, Army officials are quoted as saying in the story.

Lawmakers have taken an interest in the matter on the grounds that the Army officials have stifled requests from troops in the field who are eager to use the product, the story said.

So far 13 brigade combat teams have requested the Palantir IED mapping software; of those, nine have received it, the story said.