Chinese President Xi Jinping, left, and Czech Republic's President Milos Zeman, right, clink glasses of beer on the terrace of the Strahov Monastery in Prague, Czech Republic, Wednesday, March 30, 2016. Rene Fluger/CTK via AP
The US-China Tech War Is Being Fought in Central Europe
The Czech Republic’s complicated relationship with the Chinese giant Huawei offers a lesson in the benefits and pitfalls of courting Beijing.
PRAGUE—When Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Czech counterpart, Miloš Zeman, raised a beer from a terrace overlooking the spires of Prague in 2016, they were hailing an era of deepened economic cooperation: Beijing would invest billions of dollars in the Czech Republic, and Zeman, in turn, would tout China as a business partner for Europe.
Zeman has been a staunch supporter of Beijing ever since, and in particular of the Chinese telecom giant Huawei Technologies, promoting the company’s efforts to roll out across the Czech Republic cutting-edge wireless technology known as 5G.
But Huawei’s role here has come under growing domestic scrutiny in recent months, with the country’s cybersecurity agency labeling it a threat. That has triggered a political dispute that is, in varying forms, playing out across Central Europe and the wider world. It puts the Czech Republic at the center of a geopolitical tug-of-war between the United States, its longtime ally and fellow democracy, and the growing economic heft of China.
With Huawei at the heart of the Trump administration’s wide-ranging trade dispute with China, the Czech Republic’s quandary is a microcosm of a debate raging across Europe—whether to stand with Washington, at the risk of delays in integrating a new technology that could set the course for business in the modern age.
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That tension is now set to play out in a very public fashion: The Czech Republic’s prime minister, Andrej Babiš, is to heads to Beijing for talks with the Chinese leadership.
“The Czech Republic and many other countries are now sitting in two chairs that are pulling apart,” said Martin Hala, the director of Project Sinopsis, a Prague-based think tank specializing in Chinese relations. “This schizophrenic position—when one part of the political establishment is looking east and the other west … will eventually need a resolution. Something will have to give.”
Fifth-generation wireless technology, which is in the early stages of being rolled out around the globe, faces extradition to the United States on fraud charges.
In Europe, the divisions over Huawei are stark. to warnthat China was targeting Central Europe in an effort to divide the West.)
Here in the Czech Republic, intelligence officials dirty tricks” to undermine Chinese business ties that he had worked to cultivate. But Babiš, a populist billionaire, ordered his office to discard any Huawei equipment being used and has tried to court American investment instead.
“We put a lot of pieces together, and if we see a threat, we are obligated by law to report it,” Radek Holy, a NUKIB spokesman, told me. “When the risk is so high, we have to report it.”
The decision to label Huawei and ZTE a national-security threat triggered a national audit of the technology used by government ministries. The Czech tax authority subsequently blocked Huawei from taking part in a now-canceled tender to build an online tax portal, while the defense ministry ordered its employees to wipe sensitive applications from any Huawei phones they were using.
Though significant attention has focused on Russian disinformation campaigns and alleged efforts by Moscow to influence elections in Europe and North America, some security experts argue that China’s efforts pose as much, if not more, of a threat. Intelligence officials argue that, because of Huawei’s apparent links to the government in Beijing, were the company to build the architecture on which countries’ entire telecom systems rest, China could retain enormous leverage over their communications and their economies.
“The Chinese have been very active here,” said General Andor Šándor, a former chief of the Czech military-intelligence service who is now a security consultant. “They don’t want to undermine our relationship with NATO, or the EU, unlike the Russians. What they are really keen on is to squeeze as much technological information from us as possible.”
While there are real geopolitical consequences for what happens here in the Czech Republic, however, the dispute over Huawei is as much a domestic political standoff between two men who have sought to play the various sides off one another for their own advantage.
Since entering office in 2013, Zeman has often courted controversy. He has stood on the side of Russia and China despite the Czech Republic’s repressive history under communism, and has at times showed disdain for democratic institutions: He once reportedly being held by the Chinese authorities for unspecified reasons.)
Babiš, too, has tried to press the diplomatic row to his favor. Elected in 2016 on an anti-establishment, anti-migrant platform, the Czech Republic’s second-richest man has survived numerous conflict-of-interest scandals associated with his European agricultural empire. In one of them, he was misuse of $2.25 million in subsidy funds from the European Union. He has repeatedly denied the charges.
He has agreed to open an Apple store in Prague. Yet he has also refused to explicitly pick sides in Trump’s trade war with China, and declined to bar Huawei completely.
“Babiš is pragmatic and knows that he needs the West more than the East, so to speak, if only because his business activities are spread throughout Europe, so he wants to be on good terms with western Europe,” said Jiří Pehe, a political analyst at New York University’s Prague campus.
Huawei representatives declined to comment for this story, but referred me to an interview that Huawei’s Czech and Slovak country director, Radoslaw Kedzia, gave to the Czech newspaper Právo. In it, he said that Huawei wishes to resolve the matter in “a friendly and open way.” Kedzia added, however, that “if all other ways fail, we have no other choice, and we have to defend ourselves.”
The company’s dispute with Prague appears likely to rise in prominence in the weeks to come, as the country’s politics split along pro- and anti-Huawei lines.
In an effort to alleviate China’s concerns ahead of Zeman’s visit next month, Vojtěch Filip, head of the Czech Communist Party, which is currently propping up Babiš’s coalition government, visited China in January to meet government officials and Huawei executives. Filip told me he’d used the time to reassure the Chinese that their interests would be protected in the Czech Republic, a message Zeman plans to echo.
In a televised address in January, the Czech president made that stance clear. Arguing that NUKIB had “threatened our position and our economic interests in China,” Zeman said that “instead of achieving the digitization of our economy,” the Czech Republic would be left having to pay even more for 5G technology. “That,” Zeman concluded emphatically, “is all.”
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