Coast Guard

Biden to sign executive order boosting cybersecurity of ports, maritime vessels

The order empowers the Coast Guard to shore up cyber protections for maritime systems and harden current cyber incident reporting rules.

Coast Guard to Triple Western-Pacific Deployments, Policy Chief Says

The small maritime service is contending with data and connectivity challenges as it looks to expand its presence in the Pacific.

Coast Guard Wants Better Internet on Its Ships, and More Recruits

Commandant Fagan ties increased connectivity to operational needs and improving Coasties’ quality of life.

New Top Coastie Wants More Data Tools to Help Leaders Make Decisions

Adm. Linda Fagan’s “highest priority” is transforming the service’s talent management system.

Coast Guard Academy Graduates its First Cyber Majors

A "handful" of new cyber specialists will go to the service's Cyber Command headquarters for their initial assignment.

Expect a Navy Fleet Plan of 500 Ships, CNO Says

Adm. Gilday says recent exercises and several years of analysis are helping the service converge on numbers for its long-range shipbuilding plan.