
The Dead Metaphors of National Security

To grapple with today’s complex security environment, we must first think about it realistically. Our terminology — not our technology — is key.

Defense Systems

Coast Guard takes steps toward JRSS

The Coast Guard has recently embarked on DOD-wide initiative to increase security by 2019.

Defense Systems

Army looks at redefining its classified networks

Army leaders hope to modernize mobile networks through secure but unclassified pathways.

Defense Systems

Air Force awards 10-year data link contract

The Air Force chooses nine companies for a potential 10-year, $496 million data link platform support contract.

Defense Systems

DARPA looks to radio for better network resiliency

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is looking for radio technology that can withstand the frequent signal degradation that routinely occurs in military operational environments.

Defense Systems

DOD looks to solve battlefield network issues

DARPA is reaching out for help in developing radio technology for the battlefield that increases network reliability.

Defense Systems

Beam-switching tech successfully tested on Predator drone

Hopping between narrower satellite beams could increase data transfer and resiliency for the military's unmanned aerial systems.

Science & Tech

China Has A Breakthrough in Spy-Proof Quantum Communications

By sending quantum information several kilometers, the researchers took a big step toward the future of information security.

Defense Systems

New Army commercial cloud deal offers smartphone chat, video & voice

An AT&T Unified Capabilities deal will expedite cloud-based voice, video, chat and data services.

Defense Systems

Navy, DARPA build new voice and text network

Navy and DARPA are working on a new voice and text network able to allow real-time connectivity that can transmit force-tracking information.

Defense Systems

Army fast-tracks new man-packable counter-drone EW weapons

The Army’s Rapid Equipping Force is accelerating development of EW weapons to jam and disable enemy small drone threats.

Defense Systems

OPED: new conformal batteries expedite moves to a digital soldier

New conformal batteries better enable soldier-mounted tech such as computers, navigation system and night vision.

Defense Systems

The Army’s new medical data link connects medevac helicopters and hospitals

MEDHUB uses a system of wireless sensors to transmit real-time patient data to better prepare hospitals to treat them once they arrive.

Defense Systems

Air Force, Navy team up to acquire new counter radio-controlled explosive technology

A new Joint Counter-Radio Controlled Improvised Explosive Device Electronic Warfare technology will perform a range of different jamming functions on a single device.

Defense Systems

Soldiers get upgraded, cloud-centered AKO platform

The Army is modernizing its Army Knowledge Online portal to consolidate data centers, move to the cloud and increase the range of soldier driven functions on the system.

Defense Systems

Army operates networked smartphone-equipped radios

MPU5 radios are engineered to form a self-healing, mobile ad hoc network able to operate in a wide range of challenging environments.

Defense Systems

Marine Corps acquires new ruggedized communications tech

The Marines will provide PacStar 400-series communications modules for vehicle-mounted and dismounted combat operations.

Defense Systems

DARPA solicitation seeks new methods to stop hacking, data breaches

DARPA is concerned that hackers might steal sensitive data from web browsers and other apps.

Defense Systems

DISA pilot program offers small, mobile combat tablet with secret data access

A new 8-inch tablet allows senior commanders to transmit secret information and view real-time video feeds.