
Space Force Buys a Digital Twin of Orbital Space

Updated “minute-by-minute,” the Slingshot Aerospace tool is expected to improve training and real-world planning.


The DOD Needs a Joint Wargaming Center

The recent explosion of wargames obscures several flaws in the current system.


Globe-Spanning Wargame Puts New Naval Concepts to the Test

Large Scale Exercise 21 is connecting thousands of sailors and Marines to try out and develop warfighting concepts intended to be central to tomorrow's fight.


What Will Decrease Training Deaths? More Training, GAO Says

A recent increase in non-combat vehicle deaths could be reversed with more, better training, GAO’s newest report says.


GOP Lawmakers Push Chinese Threat at Indo-Pacific Commander’s Hearing

Adm. Davidson called China the “greatest long-term strategic threat of the 21st century.”


How to Teach Troops about the Constitution

We can’t assume they know enough about what they’re swearing to support and defend.

Science & Tech

Combat Simulators Should Also Improve Acquisition, DOD Leader Says

The modeling and simulation tools that train troops and forces should also “revolutionize” design, acquisition, sustainment and test.


Combat Leaders Go Through Hell to Learn About Risk. The Acquisition Corps Should Do the Same

One reason the “culture of innovation” hasn’t taken proper hold at the Pentagon is that its buyers aren’t trained over and over to weigh uncertainties.


Do You Miss Baseball? Here’s How the Pentagon Might Have Predicted the Nationals’ World Series Upset

Red teaming can help spot flawed assumptions, root out dangerous biases—and explain how oddsmakers got the Nats-Astros matchup so wrong.


Stop Hiding Vulnerabilities Found By Red Teams, Joint Staff to Tell Military

Eight years after DoD's inspector general found that problems found by red teams often went unfixed, a new instruction seeks to change that.

Science & Tech

US Air Force Wants Wargames that Simulate Lasers, Electromagnetic Weapons

The sims are meant to teach airmen about these new weapons and help the Air Force develop new tactics and procedures.