The Problem With the SecDef Purity Test
You don’t want a general, a man, a war veteran — and everyone in the defense industry is evil?
Biden Selects Retired Gen. Lloyd Austin for Defense Secretary, Reportedly
Austin, the last commander of the Iraq War, would be the nation's first Black defense secretary.
As Spotlight Fades, What Next for Special Operators?
Under Trump, the Pentagon's ‘service secretary’ in charge of SOF has changed hands eight times between seven people.
Give Us That Democracy Summit, President Biden
A long time ago, before the pandemic, he promised to convene free-world leaders. It’s still a good idea.
George Washington Warned Us
The first president anticipated political misinformation, division, and attempts to subvert the rule of law in the pursuit of power.
We Are Our Own Worst Enemy
America’s national security depends on our ability to turn today’s hyperpartisan division into tomorrow’s cooperation.
China or Your Soul? Pompeo’s Thunder Falls Flat on Corporate Ears
Companies keep choosing to serve the Chinese market — and that’s likely not good news for the Pentagon.
Harris and Pence Failed the Global Leadership Question
People vying to become, or stay, vice-president should be ready to explain their vision of America’s role in the world.
Nobody Wants America to Rule the World
Foreign confidence in the U.S. is sinking even faster than the share of Americans who see the benefits of engagement beyond our borders.