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Lauren C. Williams

Senior Editor

Lauren C. Williams
Lauren C. Williams is senior editor for Defense One. She previously covered defense technology and cybersecurity for FCW and Defense Systems. Before then, Williams has reported on several issues, including internet culture, national security, health care, politics and crime for various publications. She has a master's in journalism from the University of Maryland, College Park and a bachelor's in dietetics from the University of Delaware.
Defense Systems

Air Force to miss its data-linking goal for cargo aircraft, commander says

But even if just 20% of the planes get the networking gear by next year, it's already proving its value, mobility chief says.


Pentagon’s new cyber rules are ‘stifling’ foreign suppliers, advisors say

The soon-to-be-mandatory cybersecurity certification—and a 2018 OSD reorganization—are slowing vital work, the Defense Innovation Board says.

Defense Systems

Info warriors coming to Navy subs in the Pacific

The move follows two other pilot efforts with Naval Submarine Forces, said Vice Adm. Kelly Aeschbach, the service’s outgoing “I-boss.”


Pentagon expects F-35 deliveries to restart this month

The head of Air Combat Command is “hopeful” the fighter jets will be ready for deliveries to resume in July.

Defense Systems

Space operations boss wants more virtual simulations to boost training

After a recent demo, Lt. Gen. David Miller said Space Operations Command needs realistic simulations to train at the highest levels.


A US agency focused on foreign disinformation could shut down after the election

The State Department’s Global Engagement Center recently opened an anti-Russian propaganda center in Poland, but needs Congressional action to continue operations.

Defense Systems

The double-edged global ship tracking system

Houthi groups have used public tracking data to target commercial ships—revealing that staying undetected is trickier than just going dark digitally.

Defense Systems

Supercomputer cloud services greenlit by Pentagon's innovation office

After 18 months of work, two companies get DIU’s approval to offer remote high-performance computing.

Defense Systems

A key Pentagon data-analysis tool is getting ease-of-use upgrades

The Advana platform is being rebuilt to handle data differently.

Defense Systems

Pentagon background-check systems at risk of hacking, GAO says

The Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency didn’t fully implement DOD’s cybersecurity process, a new report finds.

Defense Systems

Ultrasecure comms could give special operators a leg up

U.S., Norwegian commands team up to test a quantum-communications prototype.

Defense Systems

US Army, Navy reduce dependence on China for ‘critical technology’

But the Air Force and other Pentagon agencies are using even more Chinese suppliers, a report finds.

Exclusive Defense Systems

Pentagon pauses development of its go-to data analytics tool

New data chief orders infrastructure improvements to Advana platform, which tracks Ukraine aid and many other things.


Inside the Navy’s slick effort to find workers to build submarines

The BuildSubmarines ad blitz is part of an innovative campaign to shore up one particular aspect of the industrial base.