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Harnessing the Power of Integration: Microsoft and SAP at the Core of Defense Modernization

In an era where technological advancement underpins every facet of national security, the integration of Microsoft and SAP stands as a cornerstone in the modernization efforts of the DOD.

Science & Tech

A boom in space-based intelligence is coming. Can ground networks keep up?

Companies that used to sell pictures and pixels are selling analysis—and looking for ways to move faster.


Navy still picking winner for F/A-XX next year, Northrop CEO says

Despite the service’s proposal to cut funding, “we have not received” word that 6th-gen plans have changed.

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Disrupting the Traditional Defense Paradigm

New capabilities brought forth by artificial intelligence (AI) will change the nature of conflict, and at Defense One’s Tech Summit, leaders from across the public and private sectors convened to discuss the future of warfare.


As Hamas war drags on, Israeli democracy weakens

Israel is not alone; a recent report finds that the global state of democracy has been declining for the past six years. 


Unpacking Harris' record on defense civilians and workforce

The vice president has fought discriminatory pay practices, helped guide how the government uses AI, and championed public-sector unions.

Defense Systems

Air Force to miss its data-linking goal for cargo aircraft, commander says

But even if just 20% of the planes get the networking gear by next year, it's already proving its value, mobility chief says.



Boeing might put a drone operator in the F-15EX’s back seat

The company is mulling options as it pitches the modernized Eagle to international customers.

Exclusive Policy

Every squad will get anti-drone gear, Marine Corps says

With “zero decision space” to deal with incoming UAVs, troops need tools to take them down.

Exclusive Science & Tech

Can AI speed up the discovery of new materials? Army aims to find out

Two contracts to a Google spinoff seek innovations in vehicles, electrical systems.

Science & Tech

Pentagon’s new Arctic strategy focuses on adversaries, new tech

China and Russia and working more closely in the Arctic, DOD says. That’s forcing more research into unmanned systems.

Defense Systems

New design for next-gen UK-Italy-Japan fighter unveiled

But it’s no longer clear that Britain wants to prioritize a sixth-generation jet, much like the U.S. Air Force.


US shouldn't learn the wrong lessons about Ukraine’s drones, expert says

Unmanned strikes get the attention in reports and social media, but Ukrainian forces are increasingly using drones to sow mines and haul supplies.


More bad news for Boeing defense on the horizon

The company is still “fighting through challenges” building new Air Force One planes, defense chief says.