Army's upgraded force tracking system heads into the field

The Army has launched its next-generation tracking system, Force XXI Battle Command Brigade-and-Below/Blue Force Tracking, in the field.

The Army has launched its next-generation tracking system, Force XXI Battle Command Brigade-and-Below/Blue Force Tracking (FBCB2/BFT), in the field with five brigade combat teams, according to an Army press release.

The Joint Capabilities Release – a reference to the system’s interoperability with the Marine Corps – has advanced network access, data encryption and situational awareness tools, and the interface is simpler to master, though soldier feedback, most of which has been positive thus far, will impact the final design, the release said.

The upgraded JCR, along with the FBCB2’s Joint Battle Command-Platform (JBC-P), will take the place of its predecessor, while using the hardware and units already in the field in an effort to be cost-conscious and to lessen the transition on soldiers, the Army said.