Artificial Intelligence

The US intelligence community is embracing generative AI

Intelligence agencies are using generative AI for a variety of purposes, including content triage and assisting analysts.


DARPA wants to use AI to find new rare minerals

With spectral analysis, it’s possible to “tell the difference [between] cocaine that came from one cartel’s area of Colombia versus another.”

Army to seek industry help on AI

"We're not gonna develop our algorithms better than y’all,” a service acquisition leader told an industry conference.

How AI is turning satellite imagery into a window on the future

What can a picture from space tell you? “You're likely to have a drought here that might lead to civil unrest.”

Air Force tests AI-designed, 3D-printed drones

Qatar-based Task Force 99 is also eyeing a new U.S. component.

How Russia-, China-linked actors use OpenAI for disinformation

American AI tools are boosting disinformation around the world. That has the makers of those tools concerned.

Pentagon bets $480m on AI-fueled intel platform

Starting June 1, a Palantir system will bring enhanced intelligence data to the Joint Staff and combatant commands.

'Swarm pilots' will need new tactics—and entirely new training methods: Air Force special-ops chief

AFSOC will expand on groundbreaking experiments this summer, Lt. Gen. Bauernfeind says in interview.

AI-powered F-16 impresses ride-along SECAF in dogfight

Air Force will deploy armed, automated aircraft around 2030, Kendall says.

There’s ‘still more work to be done’ for DOD on AI

The Pentagon has started to use the technology, but challenges lie ahead.

Giant military manta ray drone passes first ocean test

Manta Ray prototype demonstrates propulsion, steering in step toward “real-world operations.”

How digital engineering could produce new weapons faster

“This enables process automation more broadly,” GDIT engineer says of new accelerator.