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Patrick Tucker

Science & Technology Editor, Defense One

Patrick Tucker
Patrick Tucker is science and technology editor for Defense One. He’s also the author of The Naked Future: What Happens in a World That Anticipates Your Every Move? (Current, 2014). Previously, Tucker was deputy editor for The Futurist for nine years. Tucker has written about emerging technology in Slate, The Sun, MIT Technology Review, Wilson Quarterly, The American Legion Magazine, BBC News Magazine, Utne Reader, and elsewhere.

Austin heads to Asia with $500M for the Philippines

DOD officials said the SecDef's multi-country swing will be the administration's most important visit for "U.S. defense ties in the Indo-Pacific."

Science & Tech

A boom in space-based intelligence is coming. Can ground networks keep up?

Companies that used to sell pictures and pixels are selling analysis—and looking for ways to move faster.

Exclusive Science & Tech

Can AI speed up the discovery of new materials? Army aims to find out

Two contracts to a Google spinoff seek innovations in vehicles, electrical systems.

Science & Tech

Pentagon’s new Arctic strategy focuses on adversaries, new tech

China and Russia and working more closely in the Arctic, DOD says. That’s forcing more research into unmanned systems.


A long-sought European defense ‘awakening’ has arrived, EUCOM commander says

“This is a different Europe from what we complained about for years,” Gen. Cavoli says.


Europe, US gird for Russian hybrid warfare attacks

The key to curbing shadow wars is better intelligence sharing, experts and officials say. But that itself is under threat.


In picking Vance, Trump takes another step away from Ukraine

Donald Trump’s first running mate tried to steer him toward defending European democracy. His new one won’t.


US ‘winding down’ Gaza pier operations

Now, the issue is “getting aid around Gaza effectively,” national security advisor says.


US agrees to build icebreakers with Canada, Finland

White House hopes Ice Pact will boost shipbuilding in democratic countries while it addresses Arctic challenges.

Exclusive Science & Tech

DARPA wants to use AI to find new rare minerals

With spectral analysis, it’s possible to “tell the difference [between] cocaine that came from one cartel’s area of Colombia versus another.”


African governments express rising alarm about Russian disinformation

It has helped drive instability that “is at the cusp of affecting coastal West Africa,” AFRICOM chief says.

Science & Tech

Attacks against defense industrial base increasing, NSA chief warns

The Pentagon is pushing ahead with zero-trust plans to automate defenses against future threats.

Defense Systems

A key Pentagon data-analysis tool is getting ease-of-use upgrades

The Advana platform is being rebuilt to handle data differently.

Science & Tech

How AI is turning satellite imagery into a window on the future

What can a picture from space tell you? “You're likely to have a drought here that might lead to civil unrest.”

Exclusive Science & Tech

New sat images show Russian vessels fleeing Black Sea ports

Ukrainian drone attacks have also prompted Russian patrols and harbor defenses, according to BlackSky images.


China’s overseas bases aren’t a big threat, yet: RAND

But Beijing is looking to add to its footprint, from Asia to Africa to the Mideast.