Chief Master-at-Arms Cornelius Johnson stands watch on the bridge aboard the Spearhead-class expeditionary fast transport USNS City of Bismarck, during Pacific Partnership 21. U.S. Navy / Chief Mass Communication Specialist Joseph R. Vincent
The Naval Brief: CNO chides industry; Noisy Arctic waters; Design philosophy; and more
Welcome to The Naval Brief, a weekly look at the news and ideas shaping the sea services’ future.
Defense industry called out. Adm. Mike Gilday, the chief of naval operations, wants the defense industry to stop pursuing ships and aircraft the Navy no longer wants, Defense One reports. He also is asking for industry to be more agile so it can pivot to newer technologies.
Noise turned up underwater. More shipping through the Arctic has increased the noise underwater, making it difficult for marine life and military submarines, Defense One reports. More mapping of the Arctic region will also help the military understand how sound travels through its waters, said Vice Adm. Andrew Lewis, the commander of U.S. 2nd Fleet.
Rethinking aircraft designs. A next-generation Navy fighter jet will be designed with new technologies in mind first, a shift in the design thinking of trying to pack in as much new tech into the aircraft after the fact, Defense One reports.
Sign up to get The Naval Brief every Thursday from Caitlin M. Kenney, Defense One’s military services reporter. On Wednesday the U.S. Coast Guard celebrated its 231st birthday.
From Defense One
Can We Spot Illegal Fishing Fleets from Space? // Patrick Tucker: The Defense Innovation Unit is offering prizes for using satellite-mounted radar to fight a growing national-security problem.
Data Friendliness Will Make Some Weapons More Valuable, Says Northrop CTO // Patrick Tucker: Future weapons will have more value if they connect more easily to the network right out of the box, but that’s not the way military weapons or networks are made today.
Sailor Charged With Setting USS Bonhomme Richard Fire // Caitlin Kenney: Preliminary hearing will lead to recommendation about a court martial.
For US Troops, Getting COVID Vaccine Is Now a Matter of 'How and When' // Tara Copp: President tells Pentagon to add COVID to list of required vaccinations. He also imposed requirements on federal employees and contractors who decline to get vaccinated.